
I'm still here!

Hey All (whoever you all are that read this). I haven't written in a while so I decided to write about what's been going on. I'm up really late (or early tonight) in an attempt to fix my sleep schedule by staying awake until tomorrow night (woke up really late today).

So I've been travelling the past two weeks. Two weekends ago Kenzie and I went to Fairfax, VA to look at apartments. We found 3 that we really liked, but they are SO expensive. $1000/month for a 1 bedroom apartment is pretty high, but at least they are all really nice with pools, workout rooms, all appliances included, etc. There were some cheaper apartments, but you have to qualify as low income. Our favorite apartments were these, which are not low income, but they have good specials. If anyone wants to look at them, let me know what you think. I'll probably be a few miles from where I'll be working, so the commute shouldn't be too bad. While we were in the area, we rode the metro to downtown DC. Everything was pretty much closed, but we saw the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and the Whitehouse. First time either of us ever went there...I was impressed.

This past weekend Kenzie and I drove to Michigan for her cousin's wedding. It was a good time. There was lots of Polish food (I liked the cabbage rolls) and free drinks (always a good thing). On the way out (as usual), we met Carl and Buddy's Pizza (best pizza in the world as far as I'm concerned) and went bowling. I didn't do to well since I forgot my ball. The house balls really sucked so I used Carl's, which despite being made for lefties worked for me. The worst part of the trip was the drive home. At least 4 inches of snow in MI and they didn't plow or salt ANY of the roads including major highways like I-75. It took us about 2 hours to go 50 miles to the Ohio border. Once we were there the roads were fine, except for a lot of rain on the turnpike. We got home late. All in all, it was a fun trip.

I've been pretty busy with school the last week, there were many tests. I don't know how I did on Electoral Systems (it was really hard), but on Corporate Financial Reporting I got a 94%. That really made me happy since I thought I had fallen behind in the class. Cramming sure helps, and its even better when the final isn't cumulative. Its not the most exciting class, but the professor enjoys telling us how to do Enron-style accounting. It would probably make his day if one of us got busted... I'm not planning on being an accountant, but I now see that its more than just adding and subtracting.

I also negotiated my first car purchase. I wasn't buying, but Kenzie was. I got the finance guy to go down by around $45 a month. Now she has a new car, which is really good because her old one was about to die. The last time that happened, it was pretty bad, and also we don't have to use my car for all the trips.

There's a lot more to write so look for more entries in the next couple of days.
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