
Inside the NFL: RIP

The best sports show on TV has just been axed by HBO.  Inside the NFL, a sports show that has run for 31 consecutive seasons, making it one of the longest running television programs in history, has been cancelled by HBO.  Hosts Bob Costas, Chris Collinsworth, Dan Marino and Chris Carter will have to find work elsewhere on Wednesdays during the season.

As Costas said during the show, this is a "bonehead decision" by HBO.  The NFL has never been more popular and many people I know look forward to Wednesdays to watch the best highlights and best analysis available for football.  Weekly segments with Peter King and other interesting interviews round out the best show on football.

Thus, after many years of subscribing to HBO, I will end my subscription with the conclusion of The Wire, the only other show I watch.  Maybe HBO will change course and come back strong, but this is not likely the case for several years with the shit they put on now.

I will miss INFL and hope that many others will too.

Romney's Out

After reading Mitt Romney's speech I am glad that he is no longer running for president.  In the text, he blamed access to and acceptance of PORN for the ills of society, such as minorities having children out of marriage.  Someone with views like this should not be president.  Even if you do not like porn, there are much more obvious causes of problems in our country, such as government regulations.

Now the choices have been narrowed down:
A. McCain
B. Obama
C. Clinton
D. None of the above

There is no way in hell I would ever vote for A.  Even B or C would be a better choice but I suspect I might vote for D.  I am considering participating in the democrat primary in VA.  Whoever would do more damage might be the best choice, since it would help people realize that larger government is not good.  More on that later...


Super Tuesday Results

Super Tuesday produced no real winner this year.  As of now, John McCain has built quite a bit of a lead over Mitt Romney, thanks to Huckabee winning a handful of states that many thought Romney would win.  Since many Republican primaries are a "winner take all" format, this benefits McCain.

On the other side Barack Obama had a huge victory over Clinton when you look a the overall picture.  Clinton is only ahead of Obama by slightly less than 100 delegates.  Even though she won big states like CA and NY, the democrats split up their delegates proportionally.  Next week are primaries in VA, MD, and DC states in which Obama will probably win at least 2/3 to give him momentum down the stretch.

After looking at these results, I'm predicting an Obama/McCain presidential race.


Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is upon us, the day in which many, many states vote in their primaries.  The pundits are predicting McCain will win the republican nomination after tomorrow.  Nobody knows who will win the democrat one, or if it will even be decided in 24 hours.  

Here's to hoping Ron Paul or Mitt Romney pulls an upset.  A Romney/Obama presidential election would be quite interesting.

The Myth Of Perfection

perfection |pərˈfek sh ən|nounthe condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects 

Thankfully the Patriots lost last night, or a travesty of human thought could have prevailed.  That being the myth of a "perfect" season or team.  Let's say that a team did go 19-0 in football.  Is this perfect?  Absolutely not.  

Regardless of the offensive performance of Brady and Moss (new records being set and an overall dominant performance) the defense could definitely have been improved.  How do I know this?  For the first 18 games of the season, New England did not shut out anyone.  Perfection would be a team going 19-0 setting new records in every individual statistic (I didn't see any rushing records), shutting out every team every time, all season, NOT being caught red handed with a videotape of your opponents defensive signals, and lastly, making sure that you win the one big game at the end of the year, something we call the Super Bowl.

It's good for the country to not have a perfect team, to see that whatever you strive to get you always come up short.  Because in the real world, and that includes the sports world, perfection can never be attained.  


My Top SB Ads

Best SB ads

Best beer ad of the night (tie):

Best beer ad of the night (tie):

Best food ad:

Best car ad:

Funniest ad (runner up)

Funniest ad (winner)

Good, but not quite the best:

Beer ad:

Obligatory godaddy.com (who owns my domain) ad:




Unlike most people...

At least I picked the winner, though it was much lower scoring than I thought.  It's good to see an end to perfection.
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