
Another member of the 40-40 club goes down

With news today that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003, the only member of the 40-40 club who is clean is former Washington National Alfonso Soriano.  

The other members of the club are Barry Bonds and (who else) Jose Canseco.


No prosecutions for CIA torturers

The appointee to direct the CIA said today that he will not attempt to prosecute the CIA torturers if they believed they were acting on legal orders.

The "I was just following orders" defense has been refuted by the United States in the past, not embraced as it is today.  In the 1940's, many Nazis said that they were following legal orders and should not be responsible for all kinds of atrocities.  You may argue that the magnitude of destruction was much greater back then, and it was, but the argument is the same: should those who break the law while following orders of a commander be held responsible.

While I would like to argue that everyone is given free will and should be judged on his or her actions alone, regardless of the source of direction, that may not be the case.  In the 1960s, Stanley Milgram showed that obedience to authority can reach unprecedented levels, in which someone will torture and even kill another human being simply because they are told to do so, even if they completely disagree with it.

I can't simply say that the "orders" defense is invalid, but the fact remains that most of these CIA agents could have objected at anytime and simply given up their jobs.  

Which is why we should seek prosecutions and let the courts decide.

About that $15,000 tax credit

I recently posted about the proposed $15,000 tax credit for homebuyers.  Something that you all should note* is that this credit is not refundable.  The current $7,500 interest free loan from the government is, but the $15,000 one will not be.  However, you may be able to take the credit in 2008 and 2009.

As it is not refundable, you cannot get more tax back than you've paid.  Say that you are married and made $100,000 last year.  Your tax liability would be about $13,000.  So you would only be take the credit for $13,000 for the 2008 taxes.  In 2009, you would be able to take the rest of the balance ($2,000).  Those taxpayers who are in the lower quartile would not see much benefit from this, but they probably should not be buying a house.

If you have already filed your taxes for 2008, there is a form called the 1040x that allows you to modify your previously file return, up to 3 years down the road.

*I am neither an attorney, nor an accountant.  If you use my advice and get in trouble, don't blame me.

Eat what I say, not what I sell

The founder of Papa John's encourages people to limit the consumption of pizza.  Smart business move.  What's next, is he going to tell you to buy Dominos instead?


On Phelps

I don't see what Phelps did that was so bad.  There is a picture of him smoking out of a bong.  If only he were as good as all other superstar athletes, like the ones that use steroids, beat their girlfriends, and do all sorts of other things.  How many athletes have been arrested for drunk driving in the past year?  Probably over a dozen.  And that's a lot worse than smoking some marijuana, since they put others in danger, something that it seems Phelps did not do.  

And then there's the issue of his sponsor, but I'll allow Radley Balko to air the grievances on that:
This would be the same company that for decades has been encouraging children to start the day by inhaling sugar by the spoonful. It’s also the company that still proudly bears the name of the man who advocated yogurt enemas and pouring carbolic acid on the clitoris to prevent women from experiencing sexual pleasure.

Yes, it would be a shame to see a 14-time gold medalist’s bong hit tarnish the company’s image.

I'm waiting to buy

Currently, any first time homebuyer (the exact definition is that you have not owned a house in the past 3 years) has access to an interest free, 15 year loan from the federal government for $7,500.  That may be changing soon.

An amendment to the stimulus package currently making its way through the Senate would up that credit to $15,000 and eliminate the interest free loan portion of it, so you would not need to pay it back.

Keep in mind, the true tax benefit would be 10% of the purchase price, or $15,000, whichever is less.  In my case, you can't find anything around here for under 200k so that doesn't matter.

At this time, I'm looking for a house but there's no way I'll buy until the bill with this amendment either passes or fails.  I am not going to leave $15,000 sitting on the table.


Road Sign Fun

Ever want to know how to hack an electronic road sign?

Healthcare for kids

President Obama has signed the State Children's Health Insurance Program to expand healthcare coverage to kids.  The expansion will be funded by increases in tobacco taxes.  Overall, I'd say it is a no brainer, and a good first step towards healthcare for all.


Obama on Daschle

It is truly refreshing to see a President admit his mistakes, something I can never recall George W. Bush doing.  

Obama via MSNBC:
"I'm here on television saying I screwed up, and that's part of the era of responsibility. It's not never making mistakes; it's owning up to them and trying to make sure you never repeat them and that's what we intend to do." He also offered one more mea culpa: "[S]o, did I screw up in this situation? Absolutely and I'm willing to take my lumps, you know that's part of the job here. But I think it's important not to paint a broad brush here, because overall, not only have we gotten in place a -- functioning government in record time -- but overall the quality of [the other appointments] are outstanding."

Daschle Out

Tom Daschle won't be the head of Health and Human Services, nor will he be the healthcare czar due to problems with back taxes.  Not paying taxes seems to me as American as apple pie, so I'm not sure what the big stink is. 
The hope is that Obama will now appoint someone even more qualified to get us to universal healthcare, but that remains to be seen.


My favorite Superbowl Ads 2009

Here are my favorite ads, in no particular order from yesterday's game.

Ground Hog Day 2009

Groundhog day is a great holiday.  It may not be all too popular, but I would imagine more people pay attention to it than Washington's Birthday (AKA Presidents Day) or Flag Day. 
This year the little rat saw his shadow, so that means 6 more weeks of winter.  That holds true with the good ole Vernal Equinox, which is about 6.5 weeks away and the actual first day of Spring.


My Superbowl Prediction

Steelers, 28-21

The difference will likely be due to an AZ turnover.

The Prez and I agree.

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