
Don't travel to Indonesia

If the threat of being bombed by a terrorist or drowned in a tsunami wasn't enough to sway your choice of travel destinations away from Indonesia, the possibility of getting 20 years in jail for flying on an airplane just might...

Schapelle Corby, a young Australian female was just sentenced to major jailtime in a third world country for a crime she said she didn't committ. She was found with about 4 keys of weed in her bag upon landing in Indonesia and their lovely third world legal system brushed aside all of the defenses evidence. This evidence included an investigation of Australian baggage handlers putting cocaine into people's bags, inconsistencies with her statement (notably they saying that she admitted guilt with her blaming the translation). Hopefully she'll be allowed to serve her time in Australia; I'd rather die than rot in a jail cell in that part of the world...

Thankfully in this part of the world we are entitled to a trial by jury, not a three judge panel that is probably on everyone's payroll.

I urge anyone reading this to not travel to Indonesia and if you have recently sent any aid checks destined for that hellhole, consider cancelling them. Hopefully the Australian will pull back their aid (even though everyone knows they won't). Since they seem to be proud of their primitive legal system, we all should have let the tsunami set them further back into the stoneage.


On the road

Technology sure is wonderful! I'm writing this using the free Wi-Fi at PIT. As far as I know the only airport to provide this service without a fee unlike the bastards at MSP and others. I'm on my way to Chicago-Midway flying Southwest (for the first time). The good news was the ticket was only $40 with tax.

As I wrote about earlier, the TSA banned lighters in all baggage. Here's a method I've heard of people using that **may** work at getting lighters through security. Put two of them well hidden in your bag, if they detect it they will only probably see one of them. You give them that lighter and the idiots won't re-scan your bag, so you'll have one at your destination. Not that I'd ever try doing this... Or you could just bring 2 books of matches, which is totally legal.
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