
For Profit Schools a bad deal for everyone

This expose on online education for-profit universities should make anyone think twice about attending University of Phoenix or other for profit universities.

When it comes to for-profit vs. non profit, note the average salary of University of Maryland University College (online, NON-profit) vs. Phoenix (online, FOR profit).  The difference is quite staggering.

The reason for lower quality education makes sense.  A for profit school is probably going to have a higher student/faculty ratio and less qualified instructors (they cost more).  State supported non profits, such as UMUC are basically normal universities that offer a lot of courses online.

The article also implies that for profit schools are ripping off the taxpayers.  This is a PR nightmare for Phoenix, Strayer, and their ilk.  Why go to a for profit school that costs more and provides less return?

Studios last ditch power grab

Warner Bros is forcing Netflix customers to wait 28 days before renting movies that the studio produces.  I think this is ridiculous, and it won't last for long.  People are not going to rush out and buy DVD's.

Very few people feel the need to own movies, with the exceptions for movies that are watched often.  In my case, this may be 3-5 total movies.  With music, people can listen to a song multiple times a day, so ownership makes sense.  But the public has made it pretty clear that they are content to rent movies, and Netflix has come out on top.

I predict that customers are going to complain big time to Netflix and possibly the studios.  With the only option to buy the movie (its not like you can walk into a Blockbuster anymore, with most of them closed) or wait 28 days, I'll wait 28 days.
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