
It's all over Hill

Florida and Michigan will have all of their delegates at the convention, but with only 1/2 vote each.  Obama is also going to get a large percentage of the MI votes, despite not being on the ballot.  

Clinton had hoped that they would all be seated with full votes and that Obama would get nothing out of MI, which is nonsense as many of his supporters voted "uncommitted" instead of for Clinton.

Obama should have the amount of delegates needed to win by the end of next week.

Obama leaves his church at the right time

Today Barack Obama resigned from Trinity United Church.  This move comes on the news of a Catholic priest using that church's new national spotlight to make controversial comments abou the democratic nomination.  

Many will ask why Obama did not leave several months ago.  I think that at the time, he saw that Rev. Wright was stepping down and hoped that the church would continue with its humanitarian mission and stop being a pulpit for people to speak ill of the country.  Instead it seems that the opposite happened and that the church was using its new found recognition to attract more controversial figures.

When you have a succession of people at any organization you belong to say things that you deeply disagree with, there comes a time when you must leave.  Today was that day for Barack Obama and it was the right decision at the right time.


The Spin Doctor's Confession

Scott McClellan was one of George W. Bush's Press Secretaries, who have also included Ari Fleisher, Tony Snow and now Dana Perino.  These are the cronies in charge of delivering official statements from the White House and also answering reporter's questions.  

Having one of these guys turn on you is not a good thing, for they often will know where the bodies are buried.  

McClellan has just written a tell all memoir in which he accuses the Bush administration of flat out lying about Iraq.  These are things that those in the media have said for some time, but to hear it from a Republican who has worked with Bush is another.  

Paul O'Neill, Bush's first Secretary of the Treasury wrote a damning memoir a few years ago but was derided as a kook.  McClellan is much more respected and his confession will be taken much more seriously.

Who benefits from this?  Mostly McClellan, because this book is going to put him on the talk show circuit where he'll bring in some money.

Who does this hurt?  McCain.  This year is a very bad year to be a Republican.  Carter won for a reason.  Ford wasn't that bad, but Nixon left a really bad taste in peoples' mouths.  Same thing this year, just different people.


The new big tent?

Five Thirty Eight has an interesting article about how the Barr nomination will lead to the LP becoming the "de facto third party."  This would obviously provide some more choice to the country.  I've thought for some time that the LP was a bit too strict in some of its positions, not even allowing that there are those within their ranks that disagree on certain issues.  

For example, there are some (albeit a minority) of libertarians who are in favor of a government sponsored healthcare plan.  There are also those who are pro and anti immigration.  And abortion is one issue which consistently divides the party.  This is not a bad thing, for a party with disagreements shows a thriving political party.  Not every democratic is pro-choice and not every republican is in the pockets of big business.

By most measures the LP is the largest and most viable third party but it still has a way to go.  Bob Barr will not win this year: you heard it here first.  But I may see a Libertarian in the oval office in my lifetime.

Memorial Day

"On this Memorial Day, our nation honors the generations of patriots who were willing to give their lives to defend this country. While we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, all Americans hold in reverence those who’ve given this country the full measure of their devotion. They are a shining example of what’s best about America.

Today is also a reminder of our obligation as Americans to serve our fallen heroes as well as they served us; as well as the wounded warriors I’ve had the honor of meeting at Walter Reed have served us; as well as the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world are serving us. That means giving the same priority to building a 21st century VA as to building a 21st century military. It means having zero tolerance for veterans sleeping on our streets. It means bringing home our POWs and MIAs. And it means treating the graves of veterans like the hallowed ground it is and banning protests near funerals.

So on this day, of all days, let’s memorialize our fallen heroes by honoring all who wear our country’s uniform; and by completing their work to make America more secure and our world more free."

--Barack Obama

Bob Barr wins LP Nomination

Barr will run as prez, Root as VP.  

Barr definitely has name recognition but he definitely alienated about 1/3 of the party.

Back from the abyss

Over Memorial Day weekend (but not on Memorial Day itself) I drove 1,200 miles round trip to SE MI.  I can't believe that I am from that place.  I feel like I need to take a shower just after driving through the litter torn freeways, with heaps of tires and garbage all over the median.  

One interesting thing I noted that really makes the entire state of MI look pretty bad are billboards.  Here in Fairfax Co. VA we don't have them.  They are quite the eyesore.
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