
2nd Still Applies in LA

As New Orleans braces for another Hurricane Rita, the citizens can take relief in the fact that they can still protect themselves. Today Judge Jay Zainey granted a motion by the NRA to stop gun confiscation in New Orleans. I wrote earlier about this bullshit taking place in the big easy, the disarmament of civilians empowers criminals and corrupt law enforcement, NEVER A GOOD THING. The police must also return all guns to those who legally owned them. This is a major victory for the country, against the same corrupt idiots who let this whole thing take place. Had New Orleans been run more like a civilized city than like a third world hellhole, this might not have happened in the first place.

The left leaning media hasn't (or won't) publish this yet, so visit www.nra.org for more info.


Should Roberts be confirmed?

In a word, yes.

Judge John Roberts
seems to be the best nominee for Supreme Court Justice since Clarence Thomas, the only justice who I can stomach. While I'd rather see Alex Kozinski as a member of SCOTUS, here's why Roberts is a good choice:

Democrats would be foolish to vote against him en masse since he is probably the most neutral person they could expect George W to nominate. Not that he's a bad nominee in any way. His history suggests that he is one of the most intelligent people ever to be nominated for this position and that he strongly regards the Constitution, something that seems to have been put on the back burner lately.

It remains to be seen what his interpretations are of this great document, but at least he refers to it more than a lot of the current justices (Souter, who provided that AWFUL decision Kelo v New London a few months ago, telling homeowners to go fuck themselves).

At any rate, Roberts seems like a standup guy and its all but assured that he will be confirmed. I'll be following him closely and will give all of you the straight dope on his opinions.
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