
Obama is making outreach hard for Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda seems very confused by the election of Barack Obama.  When the country you bill as your greatest enemy and the greatest enemy of Islam elects someone of Muslim heritage whose middle name is Hussein, its tough to know how to react.  AQ's reaction was very odd, using racial slurs against Obama.  This had led to AQ's condemnation by many American Muslims.  Another good, unintended consequence of President Obama.

Youtube address #2

As Barack Obama says, in order to create millions of more American jobs, he needs all of us-democrats, republicans, independents-to lobby our congressmen to get his plans passed. He's got my support.

Blackwater's immunity is gone

Yes, finally, Blackwater et. al have to operate within the confines of the law in Iraq. They had previously been given immunity from any crime they committed, including the killing of innocent people.


A middle ground on Detroit?

Barack Obama is well known for pursuing the middle ground on a range of issues, from abortion to health care. How fitting is it that his team is now exploring a pre-packaged bankruptcy deal for the small 3?

The thought is, if an automaker goes into chapter 11 (restructuring) nobody will buy the cars since the warranties are in question, and this will force them into chapter 7 (liquidation). This would allow them to restructure over a much shorter period of time, perhaps as little as 6 months, which could prevent a complete collapse.

How the mighty have fallen

Mike Vick is bankrupt.  And still in jail.

Obama picks Sec of Treas, stocks go up

Obama picked Timothy Geithner as the new Secretary of Treasury and the market went up almost 7%.  Why?

He's much different from Paulson and some of the other former holders of the post.  He does not come from a business background, but has quietly worked his way up to become president of the New York federal reserve bank.

Clinton is in

The word in The Beltway is that Hillary Clinton will be the next Secretary of State.  

Like I've said before, it is an interesting pick.  She's definitely smart and a fresh face for the position, but it remains to be seen how well she'll work with Obama.

Is she really this stupid?

Gov. Palin pardons a turkey, and then gives an interview while another one is killed behind her.


My Auto Bailout Plan

I don't think that Ford, GM, or Chrysler deserve a penny of my money.  Neither do these "small town" likely Republican folks in Ohio.

But in order to feel good about itself, the Congress is likely to pass some kind of monetary aid.  I say: give it to the workers who will lose their jobs when (and not if) one of the small three go under.  

How many jobs are we talking about?  According to CAR, it is 3 million, but the total number of jobs lost permanently is at worst 2 million jobs.  

Now let's take the bailout figure of $25B and divide it among the 2M.  That would give $12,500 to each and every affected worker.  That includes the suppliers though, and dealership personnel.  It is also nearly impossible to prove the exact number.

Since that's too tough, let's just give it to all those who work at the small three directly.  
According to CAR, and this is the best data we have, it is 239,341 hourly and salaried employees.  Now, let's divide the $25B among them.  We get $104,453 per person.  Enough to put food on the table for a year, relocate, and learn a new trade.

So there's my plan.  $105,000 or so per employee of GM, Ford, and Chrysler.  Tax free.

Congress to Small Three*: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Today the Democratic controlled Congress told the autos to get their act together first, including the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  You see, GM, Ford, and Chrysler decided to fly their corporate jets to Washington, DC and plead for money to throw into their hole.  The Congress smartly told them that they first need to show that they have a responsible plan for spending this money.  And you can bet they will fly Northwest airlines next time, since their tens of thousands on corporate jets didn't look so hot.

*Note: The former "big 3" are now going to be referred to as the "small three" in this blog, to reflect the fact that their market share is no longer dominant in the US.

Pirates in Somalia

Interesting how much attention the pirates have been getting lately.  Likely because they took a Saudi oil ship.  But now they have angered the Russian bear, who is ready to begin some target practice.


Daschle for HHS

Tom Daschle who was the Senate majority leader until 2004 was picked to be Barack Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services.

This position could be a lot more important than in years past, especially if Obama (hopefully) enacts universal healthcare.

Not in our backyard

The EPA may change clean air rules to allow over 20 coal fired power plants to do business right next to our national parks.  This change should be completely unacceptable to any American.  At this point in human history, we should not be building more coal plants and especially not building them next to national parks.  The article sadly notes that 75 years ago, it was possible to see the Washington Monument from Skyline Drive, the main thoroughfare through my favorite National Park: Shenandoah.  

Hopefully when President Elect Obama takes office he will quickly shelve these new rules.


Vinegar Joe Endures

Two years ago, I wrote Joe Lieberman's political obituary, but today he has pretty much proven that even scoundrels can stay on.  This guy completely betrayed the party that elected him to the senate many years ago, but Barack Obama has shown his principles of unity in action by letting Joe keep his posts in the senate.  

One would hope that Lieberman would remain loyal after being given such a pass.

Stevens Loses, 2 to go for 60 dems

Ted Stevens has lost his re-election bid.  This corrupt guy who has been the Godfather of the Alaskan Republican party, is now just a convicted felon.

What this means is that if the Democratic challengers for the senate seats in MN and GA win their recount and runoff, respectively, the Dems will have a filibuster proof majority.  Which may actually be a good thing with what's on the table: climate change, universal healthcare, and getting out of Iraq to give three examples.  

Obama comes out strong on climate change

This is the type of leadership we elected. George W. Bush may not even believe in climate change (I doubt this, he's not that dumb, but he's appealing to the idiots). And Obama is right that this is a national security issue. And "green" has the ability to revitalize our economy and help save our planet.

Eric Holder the new AG?

Eric Holder may be the new Attorney General under Barack Obama. That's what all the rumors say. He seems to be alright. Some positives, a negative.

Positives: Seems to have a lot of experience, has worked for both republicans and democrats. He even helped to prosecute some dems who were corrupt, so he's not a complete loyalist.

Negative: Co-wrote a brief supporting the DC gun ban along with several members of the Clinton Administration.

Like I said a mixed bag, but the one negative he has was overturned by the Supreme Court so at this point I'm not concerned, but I'm not enthusiastic about this choice either.

Should I go?

Massive crowds, perhaps 4 million people across a 2 mile stretch of land.  Freezing temperatures.  No, it's not a refugee camp, it is Inauguration Day 2009.  I plan on being there if at all possible, especially if I can get tickets to be close to the swearing in ceremony.


Barry meets Johnny

Got to hand it to Johnny Mac on this one.  Stand up guy for meeting with Obama so soon after defeat.  Unlike the other loons in the GOP, McCain has enough class to know when public opinion has turned, and that politicians, like countries, need to evolve.

Mark Cuban and the SEC

Mark Cuban was charged with insider trading today by the SEC.  He cannot and will not go to jail, as this is a civil charge, not a criminal.  He stands to lose about $1.5M.  I am rather skeptical of this charge, since Cuban is known as being an upfront, albeit pompous, guy.  His official statement:
“I am disappointed that the Commission chose to bring this case based upon its Enforcement staff’s win-at-any-cost ambitions. The staff’s process was result-oriented, facts be damned. The government’s claims are false and they will be proven to be so.”

We shall see what happens.  But we should remember the last time the SEC went after a celebrity: Martha Stewart.  And that was quite the miscarriage of justice.  For more on that, I'd suggest you read Reason's article entitled: St Martha: Why Martha Stewart should go to heaven and the SEC should go to hell.

For what it's worth, Mark can count on my support.


Detroit's Casinos

You know that your city is in bad times when even the casinos start going under.  I was not aware that the Greektown Casino was in such dire straights.  Apparently, this casino is in bankruptcy and is continuing to run out of cash.  It could be out of business by the end of the year unless it solves its liquidity problem, which is not easy to do in current conditions.  I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this.  The large casino companies in Vegas are having problems, so it makes sense that their breathren in less fortunate parts of the country would be hit even worse.
More here:


Moving on from the past in Israel

A former Israeli politician argues that his people must move on from the constant focus on the Holocaust as a basis for all reactions, and instead "embrace liberty and democracy." A fairly interesting article, one that I'm sure will provoke strong feelings on both sides.

As an outsider, I must say that I agree that Israel will eventually come to remember something without living it. But right now there are still survivors out there. It is very similar to slavery in the United States, but much more fresh in people's minds and in history's books.

NFL Tie Games

In a country that always produces a winner and a loser, it is refreshing to see a result like this:

Eagles 13, Bengals 13.

It is a reminder to all of us that sometimes we suck so much, there is no need for a winner, we both need to lose. And a loss it is. The net effect of a tie is not zero. If a team was 4-5 prior to the tie, they would have a win percentage of 4/9 = .444. After the tie, they would be 4-5-1, and have a winning percentage of 4/10 = .400. As you can see, the NFL's ranking process does count a tie as something negative.

In this way, a tie game is not like when the kids get a participation trophy and are told "everyone wins", this is a time in which the big boys are told "you all suck, and it would be a travesty to the game to give either of you a win, so you get a half loss."

Interestingly enough, this phenomenon is not very common. Today we had the first tie game in six years.

AIG's executive pay

AIG is going to be paying out over $500M to some of its top employees, according to the Washington Post.

Now, I don't think the government should be regulating industry pay scales*, and I think that it's important to give out bonuses to reward and retain star performers.

However, when it comes to AIG, you have an organization that is receiving $152B in taxpayer aid. This company would have gone under months ago if not for the generosity of Uncle Sam. They made some big mistakes, especially the top management, and to give them this money now is not going to win you the public's trust.

*I think that the government should be able to impose some kind of caps on executive pay for companies it bails out. Only fair. You take taxpayer money, the taxpayers get to decide how it's spent.

Iraq wants us out - soon

The Iraqi government has voted for the US to be out of Iraqi cities by June 30 and completely out of the country by 2011. This is good news. Just think that several months ago, we had a major presidential candidate (John McCain) arguing that we should stay in the country for 100 years if necessary.

What's best about this new agreement is that it will be enforced even if conditions on the ground deteriorate. With an Obama administration wanting us out too, I'd say I'm cautiously hopeful that we will be out of Baghdad by the 4th of July. And what a great Independence Day that would be.

Obama giving up email?

I doubt it, despite the security concerns. Bush famously gave up email when he took up the Presidency and apparently never looked back. While Obama will definitely not have unrestricted access to the internet or email, I suspect some type of private network will be setup for him, if it is not already in place. Perhaps he would have access to certain sites, like ESPN (he is a sports fan) or maybe even my blog (ha!). The man is too modern to give up electronic communication. He just won't be able to experience it in the same way.
Apparently he does plan on having a laptop in the Oval Office, a presidential first. And I'm betting my money its a Mac.

If GM Goes Under

Probably not the end of the world, though it would be painful.

Its amazing how many companies in the US are guilty of the "all eggs in one basket" folly.
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