
McCain has another senior moment

And this is the state he is trying to win?


Joe the Plumber for Congress? My ass.

Joe the Hick Plumber is thinking about running for congress in two years, a race he would likely lose because of stiff opposition.  So what is great about Joe the Plumber?  He evades taxes?  Operates without a plumbers license?  He pretends to be an independent but has backed a Republican for the last year?  

I don't know.  This guy would make a good addition to the nutcase side of the libertarian party, but I doubt he'd get many votes.  He's not even a real fucking plumber.  


McCain's Election Night Party

While Barack Obama plans his victory rally, it appears that McCain is preparing for his own defeat.  He does not plan to attend his election night party in Phoenix; he will address the crowd via a video conference.  

Another republican for Obama

Scott McClellan, Bush's former press secretary who has blasted the administration for corruption lately, is voting Obama.

I can barely name 2-3 republicans who are enthusiastically backing McCain.

Meanwhile, today's poll analysis

Nate Silver, who has been dead on all season, sees McCain's chances dwindling to 3.7%.  

These are landslide, blowout, "send a message" type numbers.  

I somehow think that if Bush/Cheney were running again, it would be tough for them to do worse.

Campaign with Dignity, John

Dear John,

It's over.  Anybody who tells you otherwise is either misinformed or delusional.  You are trailing by far too much with only a handful of days left.  You message didn't resonate.  Your VP pick was the last straw.  You ran on 4 more years of republican rule, when the republicans have turned into bigger spenders who have attempted to control the American people more than any other administration in history.  You and your ilk need to be destroyed in the election, and that's about to happen.  My hope is that a limited government, Ron Paul style Republican party will emerge.

So, in these waning days of the race, I urge you to campaign in a way that will make your grandchildren and great grandchildren respect you.  Pull the negative ads.  Focus on helping limited government republicans in house and state legislature races win.  Then you can be remembered as the beginning of the rebirth of the party, not the death.  

Yours truly,
A former republican leaning independent


A Message from the "fake" Virginia to John McCain

Dear John McCain,

Recently one of your senior advisors has said that even though you are down in Virginia by an average of close to 10%, that's OK, because you are competitive in the "real Virginia."  By "real" your advisor meant anything but Northern Virginia.

Let me tell you something.  A third of the Commonwealth's population lives in Northern Virginia.  We are as real as any other part of it.  On top of that, we are highly educated, diverse, and highly motivated.  Wealthy too.  What that means, is that between now and the election, I'm going to spend as much free time as I can to make sure you don't steal this election up here.  Even though I work a full time job and am studying for graduate admissions tests, my future is too important for you to screw it up.  If you think the rural part of Virginia is the only real part, keep on thinking that.  I'll see you back in the senate in January.

Yours truly,
A "fake" Virginian

PS: Just so you can see how your efforts are paying off, I have attached the recent polling data.  And just so Sarah understands, blue means NOT you.  


Desperate Strategies

Word on the street is that McCain has now abandoned Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa.  I could see IA for a long time coming; they are the ones who started Obama's momentum way back in the Iowa Caucuses.   New Mexico is another state that is pretty much blue these days, especially with the popularity of Gov Richardson.  

And Colorado?  It voted for George W Bush in 2000 and 2004, but the educated West in general is not a fan of the likes of John McCain, especially when paired with Sarah Palin.  

So where is Johnny boy trying to win?  Pennsylvania.  Sorry to tell you McCain, but that ain't gonna happen.  It would be like Obama making a play for Kansas.  On paper, it looks alright, but McCain is behind by an average of 15 points.  That's huge.  It is practically insurmountable.  Especially with 2 weeks to go.  

And even if McCain were somehow able to pull off an upset in PA, by devoting all his resources there, he would be leaving Ohio, North Carolina, North Dakota, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, and most importantly Virginia vulnerable.  Obama will likely win at least 2 of the states on that list, VA and NV.  Just one more state than those would clinch a win for Obama.

Better get ready to go back to the senate John.


Asshole in Ohio

Here is the story of someone who publicly admits they won't vote for Obama because he is black.  He said the US is a white nation.  He hung an effegy of Obama from a tree.  Note that he also put a star of david on the head of the dummy, so I guess he thinks that Obama is Jewish too.  People like this should be deported.

$150M in September

Barack Obama raised $150M in September, breaking all previous fundraising records.  For the record,  John McCain has $85M to use from Sep-Oct.  

If donations are a measure of enthusiasm, its not even close.  

Powell Endorses Obama

Yet another nail in McCain's political coffin: Colin Powell today endorsed Barack Obama for president.  Powell is a lifelong republican who served in the Bush administration.  Powell said this has nothing to do with race, and you have to give the benefit of the doubt to someone like Powell, who has never used the race card.  He said he respects both Obama and McCain, but just like many others, pointed to McCain's bone headed selection of Palin as the reason for voting for Barack.
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