
Sotomayor Confirmed

We now officially have Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first latina on the bench. From what I've read of her record, I completely approve of this, and look forward to seeing her take on the upcoming decisions.


Bill Clinton the Hero

Bill Clinton did some quick negotiations, traveled to North Korea, and has aided in the release of 2 US journalists. The key to this negotiation was to ask for a pardon, instead of throwing out the verdict. By showing "respect" to the N. Korean legal system, the DPRK was placated enough to allow the release.

In the end, who cares if they admitted guilt, it is better than 12 years of hard labor in North Korea.


The first desert storm casualty

The remains of the first US serviceman to die in operation Desert Storm were identified today, ending an 18 year search. It is good that the family has some closure after what must have been an awful experience.
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