
Why we will persevere

McCain's Lost Cavuto

So screwed.  Cavuto hammers the straight talk express.  He's not pro-Obama, but its pretty obvious the object of his disrespect is John Sidney McCain.


My Ballot

I voted today with an absentee ballot.  In Virginia, you need an excuse to vote absentee.  Mine was that there is a high liklihood that I will need to work for 11 hours or more on election day.  I base this off the fact that I was given quite a bit of reviews to conduct next week, plus the hour or so commute time I generally have each day.

President: Barack Obama (D)

Senate: Mark Warner (D) - One of the best, most bi-partisan politicians out there.  I consider him superior to even the libertarian on the ticket.

House of Representatives, Virginia - 11th: Gerry Connolly (D) -  The republican running against him, Keith Fimian, is a truly awful man who will not even cover birth control on his company's insurance plan.

Proposal to issue a bond to pay for maintenance of Fairfax County Parks - Yes.  I use the parks to play tennis and they are very nice.  I'd like to keep them that way.

Some trivia:
This is the first time I have voted for a democrat in any office.
This is the first time I have not written myself in as a candidate.
This is the first time I voted for a straight ticket.

Closing Ad

Very nicely sums up our campaign, our goals, hopes and dreams for the future.


Who gets the Libertarian vote?

In a nutshell, Obama is getting the libertarian vote. 
By my count, 10 of them were going to Obama, 3 to McCain, 9 to Bob Barr, and 11 to "none".
The count might be slightly off, but overall I think it shows that the GOP has truly lost the libertarian voter.


Sarah Palin - The Socialist

Sarah Palin is more socialist than Barack Obama would ever be.  She imposes large taxes on oil companies in Alaska, and uses that money to give every Alaskan $3300 (in 2008).  

If Barack Obama changing income tax policy is socialism then what is her plan?

The truth is, both of them are very far from socialists, and anyone who believes else is a fucking moron.

Said Palin: "we share the wealth when the development of these resources occurs""

Countdown to change: 7 days

In 7 days we will be watching the election returns, where, if all goes according to plan, the networks will be calling Virginia for Barack Obama around this time and we will know we succeeded.


Stevens Guilty! GOP in trouble

Ted Stevens of Alaska (home of Sarah Palin) was found guilty of all counts in his corruption trial.  Expect this to dominate the next few news cycles, killing John McCain and the republican party.


GOP should put money where it will help

David Frum, of the conservative American Enterprise Institute, argues that the GOP should give up on McCain for now and shift resources to protecting republican senate seats.  I think he's right; when you have limited resources you need to put your money where it will be most effective.  Right now, even though McCain as president would be very effective, the likelihood of it happening is 5-10% at best, while maintaining some of these highly contested senate seats has at least 50-50 odds.

Keith Fimian - Another Republican I won't Vote for

I honestly don't know very much about the two guys running for congress to take over Tom Davis's spot: Gerry Connolly (D) and Keith Fimian (R).  What I know now, though, is that I will not be voting for Keith Fimian.  He owns a home inspection company, and he has instructed his health care plan to not cover birth control.  While that's certainly a legal thing for him to do, its a bit extreme for my tastes.  This will not likely be a close election anyway, as Connolly is very well known in the area.
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