
Future Whitehouse Conflicts of Interest?

A law professor predicts that, if elected president, Hillary Clinton would nominate Bill Clinton for the Supreme Court.  A practice like this makes me think of Caligula appointing his horse to the senate.

It would definitely be a conflict of interest and nepotism.  

It is for reasons like this that I think spouses of presidents should be excluded from the Presidency.  A husband and wife can easily function as one unit and nobody knows what was Slick Willie's policy and what came from this wife.  Since we have term limits on this office, it should apply for the family unit.


From .blogspot to .com

For those of you who read this blog often, you will notice that I have just taken it from a .blogspot.com to a .com

I like to think of myself as always being on top of technology, but I have to admit that this is the first .com that is registered in my name.  I like the title of my blog, I think that it is catchy, makes sense.

It used to be very expensive to own a domain name, but I am only paying around $10 a year for this, which I think is worth it.  

One thing that this means is extra motivation for me to keep blogging, to keep putting my views on paper for the world to see.  I hope that everyone will support me by continuing to check-in from time to time.  If you have an RSS reader, you can always subscribe to my blog (email me if you need help with this).

Take care, and thanks for reading.

The Revolution in IA

Ron Paul beat Rudy Giuliani in the Iowa caucuses.  With 10% of the vote, Ron Paul was merely 4% away from 3rd place.  This great showing proves that Ron's message of freedom is a popular one.  Time will tell on how he does in New Hampshire. 

Some people commented that it is disappointing that Ron Paul finished in 5th place.  I think that with the narrow margins separating him from McCain and Thompson, this was a victory, especially considering that he beat the former front-runner (Giuliani).

Moving on to the bigger picture, it is shocking that Obama beat Hillary by 9%.  While Obama has never made this campaign about race, it says something when a mixed raced person can win in a state that is very white and conservative.

And Mitt Romney.  Talk about a disappointment. 


Fantasy Football 2007

Fantasy football 2007 is now over.  I had one main team that I followed throughout the season, most likely because I had money on it.

Though my roster varied throughout the season, here were the highlights:

QB's: Kitna, Warner, E. Manning, Schaub
RB's: Gore, Jones-Drew, Kolby Smith, Ryan Grant.
WR's: TO, Calvin Johnson, Chambers, Chris Henry
TE: Whitten

Overall my team did well, but was too inconsistent, so I lost some close games.  I ended up in 5th place, one spot out of the playoffs.  I beat both teams in the consolation round, and ended up in 5th place.

Total investment:

Buy-in: -$100
2 high scores for the week: $28 * 2 = +$56
Runner up: +$20

Total: -$24

So it cost me $24 to play football this year, plus the $10 I spent on stattracker (which I don't count because it works in all my leagues).  Overall it was a lot of fun and I will play again next year.

Bottom line: Play fantasy football, it's fun.



I've been playing an interesting game lately.  Apparently it has been around for a long time (2-3 years) but I had never heard of it: Nexuiz.  It is a Quake-like game that is pure deathmatches played online vs. either some bots or other players.  It works for Windows, Mac and Linux.  It is definitely worth checking out; it is quite addictive and also easy to learn.

I think the strangest part of this game is that it is 100% free opensource software.  What this means is that you do not have to pay a penny for it and it is developed by people volunteering their time.

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