
Racism in America

The hicks of SE Ohio:

Newspapers for Obama (even the conservative ones)

Today three imporant newspapers endorsed Barack Obama for president.

The Chicago Tribune has never endorsed a democratic nominee before.  (The Chicago Sun Times is the liberal Chicago paper).  Today they support Barack Obama.

The Los Angeles Times has not endorsed a nominee since Nixon in 1972, but endorsed Obama today.  It has also never supported a democrat in the past.

And the Washington Post, which is THE paper for politics.

Why did the Tribune support Obama and not McCain?  Because McCain is not a conservative.  He is a social conservative, but his spending and foreign policy are much more LBJ than Ronald Reagan.  Plain and simple.  As Andrew Sullivan has said many times, we need to purge the neo-cons forever and defeating McCain will accomplish that.


The Last Debate

Last Wednesday's debate was arguably McCain's last stand.  He did well for the first 30 minutes, and then turned into grandpa Simpson for the rest.  He rambled a lot and focused on things nobody cares about, like ACORN.  He also likely alienated 90% of independent women when he mocked "health exceptions" to abortions.  He even used the scare quotes.  Many women had viewed McCain as "pro-life light" before that, but now there is no mistaking that he wouldn't even abort Adolf Hitler.  

I think that overall, the debate went slightly to Obama.  What this means is that McCain has practically zero chances to win this election.  When else will he have a public forum to discuss his views?  Obama is taking out 30 minute ads before the World Series.  McCain could do that, but it would erode what little money he has.  

I think that for McCain to win, Obama will have to mess up in a major way.  That's been McCain's strategy since day one.  McCain never tried to win this election, he just hoped for Obama to lose it.  That hasn't happened.


i'm back!

I'm back.  Just got married and went on a honeymoon to the Riviera Maya.

Stayed at a great place, the El Dorado Seaside Suites.  Highly recommend it to any couples going to that area.

So while I was out, it looks like the stock market took a nose dive and bounced back big today.  

Sounds like McCain's campaign, except he hasn't bounced back... Fivethirtyeight.com currently has Obama winning the election 95%-5%.  Yikes!!!  Sure, right after the Palin pick, McCain was ahead by a bit.  But the closer we get to the election, the harder it is to make up for lost ground, and right now Obama has a larger lead in all national and state polls than he's had all year.  Hell, he might even win West Virginia.
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