
Lighters OK

The TSA announced today that lighters will once again be allowed on planes. You may remember my previous post concerning this topic. This change in policy may be the smartest decision TSA has ever made. They even cited cost concerns, apparently it costs them $4 million to dispose of these things.

For all of those that missed the link, this page is worth reading: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/sop/index.shtm

It seems the TSA is actually making fun of its own policy. Showing how many lighters confiscated per day in height compared to the Empire State building. Also saying "the United States became the only nation to ban lights as carry on baggage."


Bad Newz Kennels

Mike Vick's second favorite sport seems to have gotten him in a bit of trouble. We've seen a lot of cases of athletes acting badly. Obviously Vick (and his brother) has embraced the "Thug Culture" and has no place in professional football. I think the Falcons should cut him immediately and the Commish should suspend him.

What really irks me is that everyone goes on and on about Barry Bonds. Barry Bonds is not a thug like this. I'm happy that Barry is about to break the HR record, its nice to see things like that happen and in less than 10 years, A-Rod will probably break it again. The blame should go to the athletes who actually commit bad acts, like Vick.

Also, if you are going to choose a bloodsport, pick Cockfighting. We eat chickens anyway, so its not that big of a deal and nobody keeps them as companion pets.