

I always like to think that I keep up to date with the new services online, but one of them slipped past me.  http://del.icio.us

This is a very cool website that allows you to bookmark websites and share those with others.  You can also tag the sites with any information that you want.  For example, you might tag my blog as "truth."  :-) Just kidding.

It also works if you are not always using the same computer and is a good way to locate sites that you might be interested in.  It is free and I highly recommend it.

You can view my bookmarks by clicking here.


Why 2011 might be like 1984

Imagine this: You are walking down a crowded city street, or driving down a major thoroughfare.  Up head you see several police cars and a large line of people.  What is this?  An escaped prisoner?  A DUI checkpoint?  A seatbelt check?  As you get to the front of the line, you are greeted with "your papers, please."  

Welcome to America, 2011.  The REAL ID act is very real, and is going to be implemented for everyone over 50 years old as of 2011, and those over 50 will follow a few years later.  

Despite what the government tells you, carrying around "tamper proof" ID does not make our world safer.  This act was created in response to 9/11 (what else?) and is designed to make sure that any amount of anonymity American's had is gone.

The government (and when I say government, I mean Fed.  Many states are pissed off about the billions of dollars this implementation will cost them) has said that law will require states to verify that anyone applying for a driver's license must prove they have authorization to be in the United States by showing some type of passport, birth certificate, visa, etc.  Many states already do this part.  The next will create a massive federal database of everyone person with a driver's license.  And these special licenses (you will need to visit the DMV soon to get one) will be required for entry into federal buildings or airports (in theory you will not need ID to get on the airplane, but will be subject to an "intense" screening; maybe in Guantanemo).  

How fucking far down this road do we have to go until Joe America realizes that this is complete fascism?  First it was the airplanes.  What if the next terrorist attack is at a shopping mall?  Does this means I will have to show my new Soviet-style internal passport everytime I go to Macy's?!

Does showing ID make anyone safe?  Who is to say that someone with a legitimate ID, who is authorized to be in America, who has lived here for 10 years, is not a member of a fanatical organization?  If someone is on a suicide mission, it does not matter to them if they identify themselves or not.  We are not dealing with DB Cooper here.

I sincerely hope that more states will join Maine and several others in refusing to implement this policy.  Supposedly citizens of those states will not be able to fly.  But if just 1 out of 50 states takes a look at the Fed and flips them the bird, this whole law could go away quickly.  Someone like Ron Paul could be elected president before it is all too late, but I'm scared we might be past that point.

Another good point is that nothing is tamper proof.  Maybe this ID will be as good as anything else the government makes and be full of so many holes that we can all change our name as easily as a visit to Bob's ID Chop Shop.  Who knows what the future holds?

We can still change the outcome.  Visit this site and see if there is something you can do to help.  It is run by the ACLU, one of the only groups that still is vocal about our privacy. http://www.realnightmare.org/

The Nazi's tattooed serial numbers on prisoner's forearms.  Uncle Sam let's you carry yours in your wallet.


Ron Paul on Racism

Ron Paul was on The Situation Room on CNN tonight at 5:35 to talk about the purportedly racist statements he made. Ron Paul appeared extremely angry at the hint that he is a racist. He made some of the following comments (Note: Some of these are not direct quotes):

I am not a racist. Rosa Parks and MLK are some of my heroes. Libertarians are incapable of being racist, because that is collectivist sentiment. Libertarians see people as individuals not as groups.

I probably get the most black votes out of republicans and this is being undermined.
I attack two wars that damage minorities the most: the war overseas and the war on drugs. The war on drugs is racist because blacks are more likely to go to jail for the same drug crime as whites.
This has been going on for 10 years. I had a moral responsibility to know what was going out under my name and I should have, but I am not a racist.
“And maybe this is part of the anti- Ron Paul view. I got excluded from the debates. Maybe this is the knock down Ron Paul because I am getting more votes from the blacks.”

At one point Wolf Blitzer attempted to interrupt Ron and Ron Paul angrily said:

“I gotta get my message back because you got the other message out.”

Wolf Blitzer: “This (racist statements) didn’t sound like the Ron Paul I’ve come to know.”


McCain Wins New Hampshire

John McCain, worst Republican in the race, a socially conservative, fiscally liberal authoritarian who lost his marbles in Viet Nam and never found them, has won the New Hampshire Primary, according to CNN.  I am convinced that there is no worse choice for a president than Mr. McCain, not even Hillary Clinton.

McCain has publicly stated that if we need to be in Iraq for the next 100 years to get the job done, he is all for it.  He also does not believe in free speech.  He is not the right man for this job.  I'd rather have 4 more years of George Bush than 1 second of John McCain.

Rigging an election

The New Republic published an article today entitled "Angry White Man: Ron Paul's Bigoted Past." In the article, the author discusses a newsletter published, but not written, by Ron Paul that he claims is extremely racist. Among his gripes:

1. Ron Paul believes that the War Between the States (AKA the "Civil War") should not have been thought.
This statement is not racist. Ron Paul simply believes, as I do, that states have the right to secede if they choose to do so and that Abraham Lincoln's mission was not to free the slaves, but to strengthen the federal government at the expense of the people.

2. Ron Paul is anti-semitic because he called Israel "socialist." Israel, like Europe, tends to be more socialist than the United States. This is a fact. Criticizing Israel is not anti-semitic. Furthermore, the author of this insidious article mentioned early in the article that this was published by an organization founded by a Jewish man named Murray Rothbard, who inspired a young Ron Paul.

3. Some of the articles talked about militias. This goes back to the issue of States' rights, and it is likely these militias that Ron was referring to. Ultimately, the people of the States' give power to the federal government, not the other way around.

It should also be noted that Ron Paul likely did not write any of these articles himself, just as Steve Forbes is not the author of everything in Forbes magazine. Ron Paul specifically states that he did not edit this article.

Most shameful of all, this was published on the morning of the New Hampshire Primaries, in which Ron Paul likely had at least 10% of the vote going into the primary. He now (as of 9:45pm Tuesday) has 8%.

I believe that the New Republic deliberately released this article on this day in order to damage Ron Paul in the state with more libertarian leaning independents than any other. Publishing this article is pure election manipulation. While not illegal, I question the ethics of this magazine.

The New Republic should be ashamed of itself.

Ron Paul's statement is available here.


No More Fox News

I used to watch Fox News often, mostly Bill O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes. No more. Fox News recently snubbed Ron Paul by saying that he was polling too low to be in the debates. Their threshold? 10%, which is exactly what he got in Iowa and what he is currently polling at in New Hampshire. Shame on Fox News. Rudy “911” Giuliani only got 4% in Iowa, so why he is allowed to participate in the debate?!?!?!

What network or show do I recommend watching? MSNBC, specifically Tucker Carlson’s show. He is cut from the same cloth as Ron Paul and his network is probably the most neutral out there. Check him out sometime, he is the Bill O’Reilly of MSNBC and a Ron Paul supporter.

So is Jim Cramer on the sister network, CNBC:

Ron Paul hosted his own town hall meeting tonight, which gives him a lot more speaking time than in the debates. You can view it below (there are 2 parts to it):

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