
Happy Fourth

Happy 232nd birthday to my country!  Regardless of your political stance, one thing remains certain, there is no country even close to being as good as the one we live in, and hopefully next January it will be a lot better.


Dark Knight looks awesome

The trailer for the new Batman Movie: The Dark Knight looks like its going to be a great movie.  It is coming out on July 18.  Heath Ledger is cast as the joker in his last role (he passed away in January).  There is even talk that he may get an Oscar nomination from his role as the demented clown.

Director Christopher Nolan filmed the movie partially in IMAX and we can also expect it to be much more like an action movie and much less like a comic book.  Batman Begins was easily the best Batman yet and this looks even better.  

Add this to your must see list for the summer.


Stupid Laws (TX Edition)

Supposedly a new law requires all computer shops in Texas to have a private investigator's license, or else they could face big fines and jail time.  So would a consumer who took their computer to an unlicensed shop.

If this is true, it is complete horseshit.  A PI license does not make someone eligible to repair my computer.  Most likely the bonehead legislators passed this law without reading it.

What's next?  Requiring barbers to have MDs?

The Real War on Terror

According to Bush, McCain, and their ilk, things are going great in Iraq.  Troop deaths are down (but not completely absent) and the "surge" worked.  I hear they will be building a Disneyland in Fallujah next year.  

All those extra troops didn't come out of nowhere, they came out of the land that harbored Osama while he planned his attacks on us: Afghanistan.  And how are we doing there?

We just had the deadliest month ever in that country for US troops and reports are that the Taliban is planning a comeback.  


This is not my America

Today in the WaPo is an interesting article about "Flag City", USA, a seemingly patriotic town that is anything but.  It is one thing to be entitled to your own opinions, but as the saying goes, you are not entitled to your own facts, which these guys think they are.

Quote of the Day

"[Democrats] do appeal more to an upper-middle-class, higher-educated, faster-moving kind of voter."

--Representative Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

Does this mean the Republicans intend to appear to lower-class, low educated, slow moving voters?  That does not sound like a party interested in a bright future.  
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