
Craigslist drops adult ads

Craigslist is no longer hosting an "adult" section in the US.  The section was removed after at least 18 states threatened lawsuits.  They claim that allowing people to advertise sex on Craigslist will lead to evil things.

This is ridiculous.  It is simple freedom of speech to post ads on a site like Craigslist.  I do not view prostitution as a true crime; if someone wants to sell their body so be it.  There were certainly cases of human trafficking found on the site, but it was all out in the open.  By banning it here, these types of transactions will go further underground making it unsafer for all.  Of course the moralists will claim victory, since for them if it is out of sight it is out of mind.


Nats commentator fired for Strasburg comments

Washington Nationals color commentator Rob Dibble was fired by the Nats for some comments he made the day that (hopefully) future all star Stephen Strasburg tore his elbow up so bad that he's going to need Tommy John surgery.  Dibbles comments:
"OK, you throw a pitch, it bothers your arm, and you immediately call out the manager and the trainer? Suck it up, kid. This is your profession. You chose to be a baseball player. You can't have the cavalry come in and save your butt every time you feel a little stiff shoulder, sore elbow. ... Stop crying, go out there and pitch. Period." 
Obviously, he put his foot in his mouth.  He made these comments before he knew the extent of the injury.  

I liked Rob Dibble.  The Nats have had some pretty horrible color commentators courtesy of MASN.  The first I can remember was in 2006: Tom Paciorek.  It seemed he didn't know much about baseball, and he definitely didn't add anything to the show.  Next came greaseballer Don Sutton.  He knew a whole lot about pitching and provided good commentary, but he was an ass and completely unlikable.  Dibble on the other hand, was a likable ass and one of the few reasons to watch a Nats game.  He will be sorely missed by me.  Apparently I'm not alone.


Half Marathon Training Week 2, Days 1 and 2

Yesterday was a 4 mile fartlek, the second and last.  It is an unstructured interval workout.  I made it fairly tiring.

Today was a 5 mile easy run.  I took a new route today that led me past the courthouse, jail, and the surrounding neighborhoods.


Half Marathon Training First Long Run

Today was the first long run in my training program, 6 miles.  To me this wasn't too bad since I often run up to 9 miles.  But given the hot weather, the code orange air alert, it was plenty challenging.