
Ron Paul's Success In His Own Words

"Some of the opposition claims that I am not a "real Republican," whereas I am the only one in the race. And our campaign is registering new Republican voters by the boatload. None of my opponents is doing anything approaching that.

Of course, they pooh-pooh our success. "He's just registering Democrats and Independents and people who have never voted before." Well, yes. It's called growth. We are laying the groundwork for the primaries."
-Ron Paul, October 18th message to supporters


The Road To Hell

The road looks innocent enough. Encourage biofueld usage by giving money to companies, save children, free a Middle Eastern nation, things like that. All of these activities (plus millions more) cost the United States billions upon trillions of dollars, so much so that we are in debt to countries like China (what's in YOUR wallet?).

Not only is this country in debt, but the debt is getting higher. The only way to pay the interest on the debt is to raise taxes higher and higher. When's the last time the government admitted that one of its organizations (like the DEA) was a complete and utter failure, and offered to shut it down and refund some tax money with the proceeds from selling all of the assets. Try never.

We are going down the road to hell. Taxes increase, and increase. Right now a middle-income person gets robbed of over 35% of his or her income between federal income tax and FICA. This number will likely only get higher and higher. When will it stop? What if in 100 years America started taxing 95% of your money but you got free government food, a free government car, free government clothing, and all of this came with whether we worked or not.

What would we be then? Something we've tried to defeat many times, only to see it swallow us whole. So next time you hear a politician talk about giving children free healthcare, or giving idiots who took teaser mortgages a bailout, or winning the "war" on terror, just think about the road to hell


A bat outta hell

Alex Roy has repeatedly attempted a record that almost no one would ever consider. NYC to LA in less than 32 hours, which would break a record set over 20 years ago. Avoiding cops, traffic, and using the latest technology to get as many miles under the BMW M5 as quickly as possible is just part of the world of outlaw racing.

I read about Alex in Esquire last week, he has a new book coming out, The Driver, which I plan on purchasing as soon as I can. His pursuit for speed across America was inspired by movies such as Vanishing Point and the real life Cannonball Run of the 70s.

Alex doesn't only race in the US, he also races in the Gumball 3000, a rally that takes place all over the world for the last half dozen years or so. Unlike his dash across the USA, this race (or rally) features many other exotic cars.

For those of you who are interested in hearing more about this modern day daredevil, and quite possibly the purest racer in the US, here are some more links:

Wired article, very detailed and well written, is HERE
youtube copy of the video that inspired Alex, is HERE

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