
It's Official: Ron Paul is a contender

Last Sunday, Ron Paul raised over $6M in 24 hours, this is more than any candidate in history in that time frame. 

So what happens next?  People left and right are scared to death about a candidate who has a great amount of support from many different peoples.  So they attack him by showing that he accepted a $500 donation from a white supremacist.  Big fucking deal.  I gave Ron Paul $10 on Sunday, and could have easily given more than $500.  Should they have to do a background check on me before I can donate?  

Ron Paul makes a good point: he will not return the money, because then this guy would have another $500 to spend berating blacks, Jews, or whoever it is that he thinks is inferior.  Ron Paul, on the other hand, can use the money for good.  I agree with Ron and see no problem with him keeping the money.

So, problem over right?  Of course not, this is politics!  

Now another white supremacist (one that is not even much recognized by his fellow whackos) decides to make a statement that Ron Paul goes to dinner all the time at some Thai restaurant in Arlington to meet with white supremacists.  Has Ron been to the restaurant?  Probably.  Did he meet with these guys?  Maybe.  

Who cares?  Anyone that knows Ron Paul know that his policies have nothing to do with the supremacy of any race.  His campaign unites people of all backgrounds, racial and otherwise. 

And here's another point.  


He addressed the Robert A. Taft Club, which is a very conservative organization but hardly a racist group.  If you read deep down in these articles, they say that members of this group have "connections" to Neo-Nazis, without backing it up with any facts.

It's time to end these smear campaigns and support the only true American Patriot running for president: RON PAUL.


Back on a Mac

I received a new Mac a few days ago for my birthday (which is today, the 18th for anyone who forgot).

Its a Macbook laptop. Very nice. Hopefully I will never own a Windows box again. Everything about the Mac OS X is great, I'll post some more details later, but in summary the interface, applications, utilities, etc. are much more intuitive. Also, zero viruses exist for OS X. The hardware itself is great, it even has a built in camera.

The only problem was the Mac I first got had a battery issue. I took it to the Mac store at Tyson's and they replaced the entire laptop (since it was only a few days old). The new one works fine.  It's nice to be free of the chains of Microsoft.  I can still do just about anything that I could on my old Windows box and probably a lot easier.  I even bypassed the whole Word, Excel, etc with NeoOffice, a free office suite that serves my needs.

I owned a Mac for about 3 years in college, and sadly, I sold it when it got old and bought a Dell instead.  The Dell lasted, but as with all Windows machines it gets really, really slow overtime and all sorts of bizarre error messages start popping up.  

There are lots of cool features built in, like screen capture (see above), a great calendar, email client, automater, and of course the i's (tunes, photo, etc.).
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