
Jury Nullification: Our last defense against the state

Courtesy of Reason, I have found an interesting Boston Globe article on a jury nullification case.

Jury nullification is when a juror votes to acquit a defendant who has clearly broken the law based on a reasoning that the law is unconstitutional or immoral.  In the 19th century, many juries would go against the law to help a freed slave retain freedom, a just cause.  Nowadays, most nullification cases (like this one) are for drug related crimes.  In this specific trial, the juror correctly stated that federal laws prohibiting the possession of cocaine are unconstitutional because it took a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol.  By that standard, there would also need to be an amendment to ban cocaine.  There is no such amendment.  This was a case of federal law, NOT state law.  

In the above referenced trial, the juror was removed by the judge.  Judges really hate jury nullification.

I see it as our last defense, and so do countless others, such as Ron Paul.  If you are ever in a case where the defendant is guilty as hell of a crime that should not be illegal (e.g. gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc.) vote to acquit, no matter what the judge says.  But unlike this guy, never admit to what you're doing.  Vote with your conscience.  Laws change, morals usually do not.

For more information jury nullification, please visit this site: http://www.fija.org/ 


McCain said WHAT?

McCain is now saying that in the 21st century, nations cannot invade other nations.  In this context, he was referring to Russia and Georgia.  

Did he forget about our invasion of Iraq? 

Story via kos.


GOP jumping ship to Obama and a critique of Vinegar Joe

I can't remember the last time this many members of one party endorsed the other party's candidate.  

Today it is Jim Leach, a Republican endorsing Obama.
Obama has also picked up endorsements by Chuck Hagel and Lincoln Chaffee, both Republicans.

Who does McCain have?  Joe Lieberman.  One of the biggest pieces of garbage in the senate. Lieberman bats for both leagues, and generally picks the worst policies of all.  He is one of the most anti-gun senators out there, he is very much for affirmative action, he loves the Iraq War, he wants every movie and video game to be a G-rated Bambi-fest. 

Phelps: Winningest Ever

Michael Phelps just won his 10th gold medal.  This is a record in itself.  In the process of getting this one, he set a new world record in the 200m butterfly.  


Georgia: McCain the warmonger

While McCain rattles his sabre and threatens to go to war with a nuclear power, Barack Obama offers a more pragmatic stance.

McCain states that Russia is totally at fault and that we must stand by our ally Georgia.  As I've mentioned previously, it is not clear who is at fault.  Russia says that Georgia attacked its peacekeepers and citizens, while Georgia says that South Ossetia belongs to them.  

It should be noted that corruption permeates McCain's thoughts on this issue.  One of his senior advisors is a lobbyist for Georgia.  This is a clear conflict of interest.  

Obama's response has been more neutral, while still condemning the war.  He is encouraging both sides towards a cease fire, offering our support at negotiating, but stating that Russia needs to back down. 

Whatever your view is on this issue, it should be understood that this is a complex issue, not black and white.  We have two sovereign nations fighting over a contested piece of land.  People of various ethnicities live in this area.  It is not clear who fired the first shot, nor who is committing any wartime crimes.  We cannot run into this situation without understanding more of the facts, and we cannot appear to be completing taking one side over the other, especially since this issue has nothing to do with our national defense.

While McCain looks for any excuse to push the big red button, Obama offers principled diplomacy, which is what we need at this time.  We do not need another Iraq.


Phelps gets second medal

Just watched Michael Phelps and the US Mens swim team get a gold medal in the 4oom relay.  The French had talked some smack earlier in the day and were projected to win, but in the end we won by .09s with world record shattering performance by veteran Jason Lezak.  Talk about close!  

These Olympics are shaping up to be pretty good.  The Chinese audience also seems to be very respectful of our athletes.  

Wish I were there.
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