
1984 for the music industry

Your iPod might have to stay home on your next international trip.  Same thing for your laptop, unless you want it destroyed.

The US, Canada, Mexico, and other countries are secretely negotiating a treaty that would force customs officers to search all laptops, iPods, etc. for copyright infringing materials.  They would likely be able to declare that it was infringing material if it was anything that you could potentially have copied: such as music or movies.  

Even if you legally copied a CD you bought, you would run the risk of the customs guards destroying your laptop and then issuing you a fine.  

It should be noted that at least one of the Congressmen involved with this on the US side, Howard Berman a democrat from California, has been given a lot of bribes campaign contributions from the music industry. 


Memorial Day

Despite high gas prices, I will be driving over 1200 miles over the next 3 days to the worst city in America.  Sound like fun?


McCain's Money Problem

In the month of April, Barack Obama raised $33 million, Clinton $20 million, and McCain $18 million.

The sad part is that this was one of McCain's best months. People are just not revved up about this guy. I have met many enthusiastic Obama supporters, Hillary supporters, Ron Paul supporters, but not one McCain supporter. He just does not turn people on. Conservatives can't stand him for his past, and liberals can't stand what he's become.

What this all means is that McCain, the champion of the free market, is going to have his campaign funded with taxpayer money. Contrast this with Obama, whose campaign is funded through millions of individuals donors who mostly give less than $25.


Google Health Now Available

Google health is now available at www.google.com/health

This somewhat controversial service allows you to keep track of your medical history.  I think that this is a great idea.  Doctors rarely keep electronic records and people often will go to various doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies and have records scattered all over the place.  Google Health allows people to store information about their medications, test results, doctors, and other conditions in one consolidated place.  It also links to information at pharmacies and other health sites.

Controversial Tourism

MSNBC has a list of controversial tourist destinations.  Here are the ones I'd like to go to from that list:
  • China - Between the Great Wall, the interesting cities, and all the history I don't see why not.
  • Syria - Said to be the safest country in the Middle East (the good side to being a police state), lots of history, likely good food too. 
  • North Korea - This would be a very unique experience, despite being watched constantly by your "tour guides."  Probably the safest country in the world.
  • Tunisia - I'd probably rather go to Libya than Tunisia, but North Africa in general would be interesting. 
  • Cuba - Would be great to get some real, fresh cigars!
  • Israel - Lots of history.
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