
More to do

Work has started to get busier. I'm now doing work for my team instead of helping others out. I was having some problems today figuring things out, but I think I have a handle on things now. I'm writing some test scripts for a customization of our software. Doesn't sound too hard, but I don't know the software as well as I'd like to. I also don't have too much help: my "buddy" is out for a month to donate his kidney. He's been really helpful during the first month here, showing me how to do just about everything. Hopefully everything works out for him.

We got a new dresser this weekend, hopefully that will solve our clothes storage problem. Our apartment isn't too small, its just that we had too much stuff from Pittsburgh and we're getting rid of a lot of the junk that we have no use for.

Today I received my VA issued NRA license plate. Buy your own (real or souvenir) plate here: https://www.dmv.state.va.us/dmvnet/souvenir_plate/intro.asp

Speaking of the NRA, we moved our convention out of Columbus, OH because the assholes there just enacted another (useless) assault weapons ban. Most of the idiots in this country assume that means that automatic weapons are now illegal. WRONG. Full autos have been illegal for about 70 years, these are just rifles that look scary to democrats, the same ones who would piss their pants at the sight of a swiss army knife.

In other news, the Bush administration better get rid of Rove quick, else it will look REALLY bad (worse than it already is) to the president.

In more news, our friend from Saudi Arabia seems to have a beef with our friends across the pond. The sad thing is that this will probably lead to more security and less freedom, meaning that the terrorists win again. Maybe instead of trying to go after them like shooting a fly with an elephant gun, we could do something to make them a little more chill with us, like cut off Israel's (and everyone else's) foreign aid. I mean, does it make any sense that we give foreign aid both to Israel and to countries that hate Israel? Let private US citizens donate to countries all they want, remove the government from the equation so we stop getting fucked over because of it.
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