
50:1 longshot wins the Derby

Mine That Bird, a 50 to 1 longshot to win the race, has won the Kentucky Derby. It was a pretty impressive site.


Ford back at #2

Ford has moved ahead of Toyota to take back its spot at #2. I think within the year, it may be #1.


Chrysler Files for Bankruptcy

We all knew this was coming.  But how long can GM hold out now?

Chrysler's last day as an independent company was likely today.  The FIAT takeover will be completed soon.  Then again, Chrysler has been taken over in the past, by Daimler. 


The budget moves forward

The $3.4T (that's trillion) budget moves forward. Universal healthcare is truly on the horizon; something that is already given to senior citizens and children will be guaranteed for all.

Not to mention environmental protections and funding for transit and education; all things that will pay dividends for decades and make America competitive again.

100 and counting

Today was President Obama's 100th day in office and I'd say he's done more in 100 days than Bush did in his last term.

Just a list: a stock market on the mend, our national reputation too.  Torture is now prohibited, as it should be by our great nation.  Healthcare and environment reforms, major ones, are on the horizon.  Not to mention a stimulus that has done just that.  

Hope, change, and more hope for a better tomorrow.  Could anyone have predicted it would go this smoothly?


Specter a (D)

Arlen Specter, a long time Republican Senator from PA, is now a Democrat. I think it definitely makes sense for him politically. Outside of the (hick) deep south, there is very little room for republicans in national politics. He saw the writing on the wall, just as other GOPers have lately.

Also, there are a large amount of competition for his seat from the GOP. If he had won the primary, he'd surely win, but that wasn't something that would happen for sure. Specter is a big supporter of several of the President's policies.

Being a republican is getting to be a lonely prospect.

Swine Flu?

I got sick yesterday, same symptoms as the swine flu except for a fever. Who knows?


A hard lesson in retirement savings

This guy put 80% of his retirement money in GM bonds. Let this be a lesson to not put all of your eggs in one basket.

I wonder if he had a financial adviser or if this was just his plan. A financial adviser would almost certainly be guilty of malpractice for recommending this...

The beginning of the next pandemic?

Swine flu is spreading in Mexico, and nearly 100 people are dead. This is not the H5N1 bird flu we've been warned of, but a variety of the H1N1 strain that killed millions in the early 1900's. Also, as the name implies, this one started with pigs.

Pontiac is dead

I can't say I'm very surprised by this move. While they actually sell a fair amount of them, I just don't see much of a future market in this brand.
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