
The Case Against Bailing Out Granny

People on Social Security should not receive $250 checks from the government. They are not getting a cost of living adjustment (COLA) this year and for good reason: the cost of living has decreased. Deflation has set in. That means that their groceries, gas, and other things cost less this year. It is basically a handout to give them a raise. There are many people who are employed that did not get raises this year, why should we be giving what amounts to a bonus to someone on government pension?

I'm all for Social Security, but don't see the need to throw a $250 check at people who are not in a worse position than they were last year. This money would be better directed at people who are unemployed.


Hijacker Surrenders: Cuban Diplomacy?

A man who hijacked a US plane over 40 years ago has surrendered after flying in from Cuba. While no mention of this is made in the article, I would have to say that it is likely part of a deal with Cuba aimed at the restoration of diplomatic relations.


Obama: I will end Don't Ask

Today President Obama renewed his committment to ending one of the most stupid government policies: Don't Ask Don't Tell. We have lost thousands of qualified soldiers because they happen to be gay, at a time when we need highly skilled translators and personnel. It is time to stop throwing away our military like this.
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