
Busy Week

This last week was very busy for me. I had a few steps in a project for Decision Analysis to complete as well as a tough test in Corporate Financial Reporting. Not sure how the test went it was a lot harder than I expected, but our survey for the other class was probably the best one that any group came up with, I was pleasantly surprised.

In other news, Kenzie and I were approved for our new apartment in Centreville, VA. It is a very nice place with lots of amenities and they had a reasonable special. Problem is that Northern VA is still very expensive... but there's not much I can do about that.


Sensible Self-Defense

At least some states are getting it right. A new law passed in Florida allows an individual to use force whenever threatened with force, whether it be at home (currently allowed) or on the street. Currently, in most states, you are supposed to attempt retreat too, which is a very good way of getting shot or stabbed in the back. If someone pulls a knife or gun on you on the street, it is your RIGHT to shoot back, no matter what any liberal in CA or NY tells you. Maybe if we someday live in a peaceful world that would no longer be necessary, but try telling the guy on PCP who is running at you with a knife that you should try to outrun him too, god forbid you escalate the situation by pulling a gun on him. I think it would be more beneficial to society to put these people where they belong: on the ground, surrounded by chalk, eaten apart by hollowpoints.

I urge all my readers to contact their state and national representatives to push for legislation like this in all states, so we don't have to see loved ones die because they were afraid of breaking the law in self-defense.


Quote of the Week

"Does George W. Bush remember that he put his hand on the bible to uphold the constitution and not the other way around?" --Bill Maher

Daylight Savings

Today is the start of daylight savings. This practice was made official in most US states in 1942 to help in the war effort. It also supposedly saves a lot of money (by using natural light during the working day) and prevents crime (because people do not have to venture out as much in the dark). While I think we all enjoy the extra hour we get at the end of daylight savings time (the "fall back" switch), I think a lot of people are annoyed by the loss of an hour at the "spring forward" time, which is today. I'm sure that many meetings are missed, events are missed, probably even planes are missed all because people are an hour behind. Not to mention it seems to mess up my sleeping habits. Is this all worth it?
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