
McCain loses his memory about football and Viet Nam

It was likely pandering to voters. But now, after going to Pittsburgh and saying that he used the Steelers players as names to give the Vietnamese when he really used the Packers... is McCain pandering or senile? Neither answer is very good for his prospects.


Jesse's Rants

Jesse Jackson was caught on Foxnews saying that he wanted to cut off Obama's nuts for "talking down to black people."  Can Jesse please shut up?  He is on the brink of seeing the man he supports, Obama, win a landslide against the GOP sacrificial lamb, John McCain.  Is this not enough?  

Jesse is always in the middle of a controversy, but I think in this case he is showing the divide between old and new black leaders.  He is a black man who tried to lead black people.  Obama is a black man whose goal is to lead the United States.  

Sick People

Wisconsin: people digging up a dead body to fuck it.  

The craziest part is that they are being charged with rape, as the court ruled that the corpse cannot consent to sex.  In one way, I disagree with this charge.  Should they be put in a looney bin?  Sure.  But in jail for rape?  Raping a dead body is no more different from raping a pillow, its not living.  In any case, with their pictures plastered all over the internet, the future is not very bright for them.


Iraq wants us out

The prime minister of Iraq has officially asked for a US timetable for withdrawal of our troops, and specifically said that they do not want another Korea, in which we would build bases and remain there forever.  

Bush will likely ignore the request, meaning that we will be seen as occupying the country in which a new government that we helped secure power now wants us out.  This situation will only embolden radical elements and increase the likelihood of attacks on both the US and its allies.  

John McCain is also going to look a lot more like Bush, and a lot more likely to end up on the losing end of a landslide come the election.

One thing worth pointing out is that this issue could be McCain's first big flip-flop.  In 2004, he said that if an elected Iraqi government wanted us out, we could not stay.  Today he says that the president is just "being a politician" and that while they will look out for their interests "we will look out for ours."  


One more reason to end Don't Ask Don't Tell

Another study is out that says that gay military members would not compromise our ability to fight and win.  

Yet another reason: the Israelis and British allow gays to serve openly.  I doubt any would doubt the ability of their armies.

Conservatives for Obama

A good article from the San Francisco Chronicle on why many conservatives are saying no to McCain and Yes We Can to Obama.  Many of my reasons for doing likewise are listed in the article.

Article is here.

Shrinking Products - Who Cares?

There's a big fuss right now about product sizes.  I noticed the other day that the Edy's container looked a bit smaller than normal, but the price was still $2.50.  The old container was 1.75 quarts and it is now 1.5 quarts.  Many companies have started this type of downsizing to compensate for higher fuel costs without making consumers pay more.  

Why do I not care about this?  I usually do not use all of a product I buy, be it milk, eggs, or cheese.  It usually expires before I've eaten all of it.  We as Americans are used to these huge product sizes, and it shows, since we are likely the fattest society in the history of the world.  I think that reducing product size may actually be a positive thing.  

Several years ago, Morgan Spurlock single handedly got McDonald's to get rid of the Supersize with his movie, Supersize Me.  Now companies are getting rid of the Supersize for their own bottom line.  Regardless of the reason, less can be more.
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