

Continuing with my freshman year:

I found classes at CMU to be easier than those at high school. Huge surprise, but then again, I took 5 AP classes in high school which were taught pretty well (meaning they were very difficult). I was supposed to take 5 classes my first semester, but they placed me into a higher level French class and it was well beyond my abilities. I dropped my first class within a week.

Also met a few girls within the first month of being here. None were very impressive, CMU tends to attract girls of a certain character...

The other classes included a required business calculus course that was easier than calc BC in high school, a psychology course, a required history course, and introduction to business.

The psych class was probably the most interesting. We had two professors for intro to business because our professor had heart surgery within the first month. The new professor had a lot different expectations for the course. Being an intro level course, it wasn't supposed to teach very much. I remember almost nothing from that one... oh well.

The second semester was more of the same. Took intro to econ, the only econ class I didn't mind. The professor was an ex Gulf Oil exec who was extremely rich and used his own plane to commute to CMU from Florida every week. He was enthusiastic about teaching certain concepts but at the same time didn't seem to care very much about the class. At least it was a (relatively) easy A and the only homework was extra credit.

Towards the end of freshman year I met Carlos who continues to be a good friend to this day. I also decided I hated living in a dorm and made plans to live with Sergey in the CMU controlled off-campus apartment for my sophomore year.

The summer after freshman year I had my only internship at FORASOL, SA in Switzerland. My father's friend had recently become an owner of the company and I was able to help them with some web design, technology issues, and a marketing campaign. It was kind of boring at times and I had to do some menial office tasks like making copies and binding things. Switerland wasn't too bad, but its not an extremely fun country. Thankfully I got to go to Paris several times over the summer.

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