
Supreme Court to Homeowners: Fuck You

The Supreme Court made another horrible decision today. They voted 5-4 to allow the government to confiscate private homes for almost ANY reason, including private development. This decision is a slap in the face to the intentions our Founding Fathers had when they included the eminent domain clause in the constitution. I'm starting to think that the only justice with a brain is Clarence Thomas, at any rate, he seems to be the only champion of liberty. Scalia also dissented, I'm starting to agree with him more lately. Stevens has become a senile old man, his prior record of upholding the constitution seems to have gone down the toilet, along with all property rights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our country is going to shit. It's becoming socialist/communist. Things are happening for the worst. Thanks for informing me, I've sent the article out to people I know.

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