
Passed: Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (S 397) passed today in the Senate by a vote of 65-31. This bill (and its sister in the House) are designed to protect firearms manufacturers from lawsuits by victims of criminals.

Currently, if someone shoots your or a loved one with a legally purchased firearm, you can sue the gun manufacturer for the crime they had nothing to do with. Activists use this to try to bankrupt the firearms industry because they do not believe in the Second Amendment. Thankfully the oldest civil rights organization in the United States, the NRA, stands up for our rights to keep and bear arms, and stand up for the manufacturers who contribute millions to the economy. We should all be thankful for this legislation and all legislation that limits reckless lawsuits against ANY industry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great law. It's stupid to sell the gun manufacturers for someone shooting someone with their gun. It's not like for example, Smith&Wesson shot them, it was the idiot who bought the gun.

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