
Yet Another Nomination

This morning, President Bush nominated Sandra Day O'Connors replacement, Harriet Miers. She doesn't any judicial background, leading some to believe that she is ill equipped for the job. She is definitely one of Bush's team. She holds the position of White House counsel, previously held by infamous people like John Dean. With all the talk of Bush appointing the nation's first hispanic justice, he has picked a white man and woman to become part of SCOTUS, though the demographics remain unchanged. Other than her lack of experience, I don't know enough about Ms. Miers to comment, although she's known as a pit-bull and is unmarried.

In other news, over the weekend some nutcase detonated himself at the University of Oklahoma during a football game. This is probably the most pathetic suicide bombing ever. Not only did he fail to kill anybody, but he looks like a total creep. Note: this is the first suicide bombing that I've seen make the front page that didn't involve a muslim, just an observation...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she's not a good candidate for the supreme court if she has no experience. ::sigh::
