
Freedom loses...

...in several places. While I said in my previous post that both candidates running for VA governor were not ideal, I'm afraid that the winner, Tim Kaine, is going to push a tax increase agenda that will negatively affect everyone in the state. That being said, compared to most democrats he is very centrist in his stances. Another, local issue that (unfortunately) passed here was a school bond for Fairfax County that was in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Freedom really lost in California. Governor Schwarzenegger's ballot proposals (several of which should be passed, such as requiring teachers to work 5 years for tenure and prohibiting union dues from being used in political races without consent of the workers) all failed. Worse yet, the city of San Francisco decided to ban all handguns. I encourage groups such as the Pink Pistols who have a presence in the city to tell all their members to not give up their guns when the April 1 deadline approaches. If the SF police come knocking at your door, tell them you don't own one, if they come in to search for it... just remember that the British tried the same things; everyone can be a patriot.

San Francisco now joins Washington DC and Chicago with an outright ban of guns, although the other two cities did not confiscate existing handguns. Hopefully, San Francisco will also join these cities as far as crime rates go, as Washington DC's shot up (pun intended) after handguns were banned.

San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly said, "San Francisco voters are smart and believe in sensible gun control...If Prop. H gets some handguns out of San Francisco and mitigates some of the violence, then it's a win."

This man is an idiot. All Americans now know, if you want to go to a city whose residents are totally defenseless, who you can easily rape, rob, and kill, San Francisco is the place. Criminals from Oakland are going to take note of this very quickly, and we'll see if this proposal really "mitigates some of the violence." More than likely, it will aggravate it.

The only glimmer of hope is that groups such as the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and the Pink Pistols will join forces in a lawsuit challenging this egregious decision, though I doubt if the Ninth Circuit has read the Constitution lately.

Lastly, Detroit. I don't even want to talk about what happened there. All I can say to my readers is, does this "hip-hop mayor" look like someone you would want running your city, especially after reading this.


Anonymous said...

no handguns allowed???? wtf???? this texan here is very confused. never heard of such a concept! what a ridiculous idea!

Anonymous said...

San Francisco sucks anyway. I know the Pink Pistols is a gay gun-rights group, but unfortunately, most of the other homo's (and most homo's in general) hate guns and this is why it happened. I agree and hope crime goes up and looters and murderers and robbers goes on a spree. I hope to never go to San Francisco ever for any reason. Also, Kwame, Detroit mayor sucks. I had a feeling he might win and so did the radio DJ's in Detroit. Anyway, Detroit sucks anyway and will still be a shithole no matter who runs it.

Anonymous said...

My gosh. It's a poorly worded proposition, that much is undeniable. Even Chris Daly doesn't expect it to survive the state appeals court and willingly refers to it as a symbolic measure. So maybe it's a stupid gesture. Fine.

But honestly, if you think that "criminals from Oakland" are going to swarm San Francisco, what as they've been reading the news, then it seems like you've got a poor handle on crime and what propels it. Not to say there's no truth your argument—I only wish the data were less contentious!—I just don't think crime operates quite under the rational model you seem to be suggesting.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Detroit and San Francisco will be stuck in their sorry super-liberal state for a while...

But more importantly, if you express your views anywhere, being anonymous is the same thing as being wrong, no matter what your opinion is. Previous anonymous poster, take that into account.

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