
Securing The Vote

Iraqi voting within our borders is being kept secure with our tax dollars. In at least two sites in Michigan and several other states, Iraqi citizens were able to cast votes for their new leaders. While it is good that the people of Iraq finally have some say in how their government will be formed, I do not feel it is appropriate for US Federal agents being present at the sites. I am not sure that having foreign voting done within the United States should be permissible outside of embassies and absentee ballots. It most likely cost taxpayers millions of dollars, on a city, state, and federal level. It also has the potential to encourage more acts of terrorism in the United States. At any rate, the Iraqis should be paying for the security.

The United States has made strides in the past few years to increase the quality of the voting process. Hanging chads might have decided an election back in 2000. We have enough problems to focus on with our own voting process than to pay for another one to take place that does not concern us.

(Thanks to Carl for the tip)

While the US government is free to give public moral support for a government, it should not give any foreign aid including security measures for a vote. This action violates our sovereignty and gives us the potential to somehow influence their vote.


Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous. Let the Iraqi's cover it. I'm sick of Michigan bending backwards for the Arabs!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, people need to vote in their own country. Who's to determine which country gets to vote in the USA and which country doesn't?