
A Just Execution

The case that many death penalty opponents were banking on to show that innocent people have been executed by this nation's justice system were dealt a blow, after it was revealed that DNA confirmed that Roger Coleman murdered a family member. He had professed his innocence for 10 years after the crime was committed until he was electrocuted.

I have no problem with the death penalty and actually think it should be applied in cases other than murder, such as rape (especially of children). The problem with our system is that it allows endless appeals and pleas for amnesty even when DNA firmly links one to the crime. Also, we use lethal injection which just seems too easy a way for these people to go. I prefer a good ole fashion hanging. A strong rope, a strong piece of wood, and a public audience.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on Death Penalty. The lynch rope was a great way to execute. It made a statement.

Anonymous said...

you'd love singapore and malaysia. the penalty for illegal substances there, i.e. cocaine, is death.

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