

Martin Luther King, Jr. wished for equality of the races, and for his people to have a chance to succeed in what was certainly a white man's world-the USA in the 1960s. He advocated a non-violent approach to solving racial issues, unlike some of his contemporaries. While his people are no longer treated as second class citizens, there are still elements that divide races in America. There is racism on both sides, with some people wishing for a return to the 60s and others wishing for the former oppressive race to be repressed. Both of these streams of thought go against what MLK envisioned and what he hoped for. His dream has been tarnished by his successors, namely Jesse Jackson, who invoke race and racism to the point where an inequality is created where it does not exist. Jesse Jackson inspires black people to hate white people for crimes past, and inspires white people to hate anyone who appears to be an activist black, because all they see are people like JJ.

Affirmative action, also known as positive discrimination, further divides the races and is bad for all people. The problem if you are white is that less qualified people can be placed higher merely because of race. For blacks, you can never know if a black person attained a high position because he or she is well qualified or because they were bumped up due to AA. Statistics show that socioeconomic status and the education level of your parents determines where you end up in life much more than the color of your skin. It is true, black people tend to be more poor and less educated, but a white person in the same situation leads to almost identical results.

How can you keep MLK's dreams alive? Treat all people with respect, regardless of who they are and where they came from. Fight against racist practices, such as AA. A good way for you college types to do this is to stage an Affirmative Action Bake Sale. Click on the link and see what you think of it.

Martin Luther King Jr. was an honest man, a flawed man, but a man that helped bring an end to the institution of racism in America. His work has created opportunities for millions of people, whether or not they choose to pursue them.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan, to name a few that are racists & anti-semetic/Jewish.

Anonymous said...

sorry i haven't been commenting - i've been so busy!

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