
Crash Wins

Crash won for Best Picture tonight. I must say, I feel that it was the best out of the candidates, though I have not seen all of them. I thought that Brokeback Mountain would win. I have seen Brokeback; while it is a very good and passionate film, I think Crash was a more dynamic movie. It also had a faster pace and was overall more enjoyable.

It is rather interesting that it came to a contest betwee a movie about racism and a movie about gays to win the award. Perhaps our society is more comfortable about sorting out one mess before the next one. At any rate, I recommend to my readers to view both movies, at least once.

I also saw Walk the Line over the weekend, which was a very good movie. I'm surprised Joaquin Phoenix didn't win Best Actor for his great portrayal of Johnny Cash, including some very good singing. I highly recommend this movie as well.

Bottom line, see all of these movies, especially Walk the Line and Crash.


Anonymous said...

i saw them all, and yes, i agree, crash was the best, although i also wanted munich to win. while i didn't like munich so much, i think the message is important. funny, how the two movies deal with races going against each other. hmmmm

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Walk the line. That interested me and maybe Crash. BrokeBack Mountain I wouldn't see. It's something I should avoid.