
Running to death row?

Zacarias Moussaoui said today that he wishes there were 9/11 style attacks "every day" to kill us, the infidels. The only person to be tried in connection with 9/11 isn't be tried at all. He has already pleaded guilty and is awaiting the juries verdict on whether he should be sentenced

Knowing the details of this case, I am even more against the death penalty. Having the government give him a lethal injection takes away the victims' rights at retribution and by that I mean torture followed by a slow death. Why have we made executions so sterile, especially in horrible cases.

The purpose of prison should not be punishment. The purpose of prison should be to confine those who currently cannot function within society until a time when they will be able to. That is why most crimes should receive thousands of hours of community service instead of jail. But what of those who we never want to reintroduce to society, like Moussaoui? They should be killed of course, but there is too much honor in the current system. Whatever goals the person was trying to achieve, his last few days should allow the victims or their families to inflict all their emotions on him, so that when he leaves it will not be peacefully. Or perhaps he can be used as a signal to others like him.

I think several days of torture, followed by death and being buried covered in pigs blood would send the right message.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Using lethal injection on this animal will not be punishment enough. They should hang him. Also, they should let the victims do the executing or do to him what the Italians did to Mussolini.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I think the best form of punishment is to seek retribution against one's family. You rape a woman, a female of the family is raped. You kill someone's father, your father is killed. I think people would be less inclined to commit a crime under those circumstances.

Or, you could be like Singapore - harsh penalties, no crime. ^_^

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