
The Sheep Accept Their Fate

Today, one day after the foiled terrorist attack, people are accepting the fact that they aren't supposed to carry any liquids onto planes, while Britons (a group not known to make a fuss) are complying with their countries banning of all carry-on luggage, including books.  For a people who stood up gallantly to the Nazis, allowing their own government to ban books on an airplane is beyond pathetic. 
Meanwhile, here's an interesting article from Ronald Bailey, in which he outlines that a risk of being killed by a terrorist is much less than getting into a car crash, murdered, drowned, and many other ways that people die even if terrorists carried out attacks regularly.  Simply put: all this extra security is nothing but political bullshit, designed to enslave the populace.
The security measures being used are completely ineffective.  In my previous post, I asked the question, "How far will it go?"  I think we could safely eliminate all of our current security checking.  All that is needed is an adaptive approach to singling out certain people.  Young arab males travelling alone seem to be a good place to start.  If we find out that terrorists are starting to come in other colors we can move our search there, but it's stupid to tell the 75 year old World War II veteran that he can't take his bottle of water on the plane because radical muslims are potentially using this method to bring bombs on board. 


Anonymous said...

if i remember my statistics correctly, three or five people in houston are murdered on a daily basis. what are we doing about that, huh?

Anonymous said...

The best solution is to keep the Arabs off the planes. Then we can relax security measures. They're the terrorists, no one else.

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