

On one side, there are idiot gubernatorial candidates stressing that Intelligent Design (which should be known as backward, religious idiots) should be taught alongside evolution. Remember that intelligent design has absolutely no backing among scientific academics and the only people who support it are those who are too dumb to see the facts. They routinely say that there is no concrete fossil evidence of evolution.
Which brings me to my other point.
On the other side, every day there is more proof that yes, we humans have evolved from something else.


Anonymous said...

As one who is more scientific than religious, I am an evolutionist, not creationist. However, I don't oppose the teaching of creationism, as long as the idea is taught in church, not schools. I have to agree with the federal judge in the article.

What's with the term "intelligent design?" Let's stick with the traditional terminology. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I think they should both either be taught or none taught at all. If any are to be taught, there should be a disclaimer before someone takes the class.
Another thing, I did not evolve from animals. Maybe another culture did but I didn't. Not everyone who believes in creationism is a fanatic, just some. I do feel both sides should be taught. I don't care if someone believes in evolution, just don't push it on me.

MSC said...

Let's try to live in the 21st century. Those who do not believe in evolution would want people to believe one of two things:

1. That the world is only 10,000 years old, humans and dinosaurs roamed together for a while, but we survived. This would go in the face of all radio-carbon dating, all fossil evidence, and common sense.


2. That everything else evolved, but we homo sapiens were dropped on earth by some alien culture some people call "god". This also goes in the face of all evidence and common sense.

Obviously a human being did not come directly from an ape (though depending on what you classify as an ape, we are in the primates order), but there is overwhelming fossil evidence that we came from something else, see the link in my entry.

Besides, if we were really "created in our master's image" or however it goes, how do you explain all of the genetic differences and deformities. Sickle cell anemia, color blindness, hemophilia, the list goes on and on, all due to genetic mutation, the foundation of evolution.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's what a lot of people believe and so do I. If I were you, don't follow any holidays anymore. If that's how you believe, don't go to anyone's house for Christmas dinner and work on Christmas and don't claim you're a christian. Just be a non-believer of any religion and that's fine, but don't follow christmas unless you're truly a christian.

MSC said...

But Christmas isn't really a Christian holiday anymore, its an American one. The Christmas that I celebrate has absolutely no religious significance. Just like Halloween started as a pagan autumn festival but most kids who go trick or treating don't think that's what it is.

MSC said...

Also, most religious people believe in evolution, the Catholic church even officially supports it.