
Organic E. coli

The news is just now reporting that the recent outbreak of e. coli came from organic spinach.

I've known people who always buy organic products, despite the fact that they usually cost 10-40% more than conventional foods. No study has ever shown that organic food is better for you in any way.

This incident was bound to happen. Organic guidelines require produce to be grown without the use of any artificial chemicals, so instead of the safest, most scientifically advanced synthetic fertilizer, organic farmers use manure (cow shit). Cow shit can sometimes contain bacteria such as e. coli. These foods are consumed without cooking or pasteurization, greatly increasing the chances of people becoming ill.

Organic farming is very similar to the type of farming that was present in America 100 years ago, as far as the substances that are used to preserve the harvest. 100 years ago America's food supply was not safe.

Now we have companies like Whole Foods that sell these potentially dangerous products.


Anonymous said...

That's ridiculous, but you're right. It was bound to happen.

Anonymous said...

oh i thought it was ALL bagged spinach, not just organic spinach. anyway, you're right - no reputable scientific studies have shown to support organic foods over non-organic foods.

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