
Tacos, Jesus, and Christmas Trees

There's absolutely nothing interesting going on this week. Maybe the news outlets are tired after the donkey raped the elephant in the midterm elections? Maybe they've written the word Iraq too many times. Consider this post to be a mishmash of many of my thoughts over the past couple of days.

The big story on CNN and others now is that they think lettuce poisoned some people at Taco Bell. Why is it always the Mexican themed restaurants that have issues? Chi-Chis went out of business due to hepatitis A in one store near Pittsburgh. Who knows what Taco Bell's fate will be. In the great movie Demolition Man it was the last remaining restaurant after the "franchise wars." Time will only tell. One thing I can tell you, I'd still take a bet that Taco Bell's Mexican food is much safer than Mexican food in Mexico.

My favorite interest group to hate, Big Labor, AKA unions, have new ads attacking Walmart, using the slogan "would Jesus shop at Walmart." Some background. Unions hate Walmart because they are known for busting any unions that try to organize their stores. They have gone so far as to close entire stores down when the threat was imminent. If only GM had the balls to do that, Cadillac might actually compete with BMW.

Well, Jesus not only shops at WalMart, I think someone by that name is a greeter at the one near me... but I digress...I think Jesus, being a carpenter, would prefer Home Depot or Lowe's, but what's there not to like about Walmart. Everything they sell there is dirt cheap, and the whole shopping experience is the closest most of us will get to feeling like refugees waiting in a breadline. It's almost an adventure.

SEATAC took down a Christmas tree after being on the receiving end of a lawsuit by a rabbi. He said it wasn't his intention to remove the tree, he just wanted a huge menorah. The tree is back up, the menorah is not. My solution is to have a big tree with some dreidels hanging from it. To incorporate more religions, we can add a manger scene. We can honor Hindus by putting a cow under the tree, and honor Muslims by replacing Baby Jesus with Baby Mohammad in the manger scene.

And you thought those Danish Cartoons were a riot!


Anonymous said...

Good points indeed. I'm sure the Muslims would be pissed if you put baby Mohammed in the manger scene. They tend to get more pissed off about everything.

Anonymous said...

i'm outta touch with the news, but i doubt taco bell will go outta business. they're really popular here in houston.

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