
Chavez Officially a Dictator

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has now been granted powers to pass any law that he wants. While I have previously reported this story, I think it is important to delve into the global consequences of this act.

Dictators very rarely rise to power in a vacuum. Some, like Castro, come to power during a war or "revolution." Others, such as Hitler or Stalin come to power by way of the legal process, in which a legislature gives up its checks and balances to the president. By passing these laws, a country chooses to give up democracy. History has shown us that this is not a good thing. Once one individual possesses unchecked power, many evil acts can take place.

The region near Venezuela should be very concerned about this development. In 2005, the good people of Brazil defeated a motion to ban the sale of firearms, preserving their freedom. Many countries in Central America such as Costa Rica have adopted pro-freedom governments.

The problem with Chavez is that he sees himself as the leader of Latin America and successor to Castro, though on a larger scale. This is very dangerous, because his thinking motivates him to "liberate" other countries. In the process his nationalization, particularly that of utility and oil companies will do much to wreck the economies under his control.

While Castro has always been mostly confined to his island, Chavez has the power to aid other socialist dictators in their ascent to power in Latin America. The world should act now, before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

again, my apologies for not keeping up. i am so busy with myspace now. i swear that site consumes me!

Anonymous said...

This really sux! Coming soon, WWIII!