
Federal Court Backs Constitution

A federal court in Washington DC has just scrapped that cities 30+ year old ban on handguns, finding that the Second Amendment really does say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

This idiot disagrees. He and his ilk believe that the clause "a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" means that only state militias can have guns. Why would the government give itself the power to be armed? By his reasoning, the First Amendment would only allow freedom of speech by the press, but not individuals. If you are only to read the Bill of Rights it will become perfectly obvious that all of the rights therein are given to individuals and not groups of people.

The meaning of the Second Amendment is that if our leaders, our governments ever get out of hand, if they ever become tyrannical to the point where they are oppressing our freedoms, we will be able to overthrow the government and give power back to the people. We need to have this power, history shows us many countries such as Nazi Germany that disarm their citizens, making them helpless when the atrocities start. Anyone who ever tries to silence me, disarm me, or take away my rights will be met with fierce resistance.


Anonymous said...

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Benjamin Franklin

Anonymous said...

man, these word verification letters are getting more and more complicated, especially after a few mojitos...

Anonymous said...

That jackass who wrote the article you linked to should have a gun put to his head and then we'll see how he feels.
I'm Glad what DC did. I agree that if anyone tried to take my freedom to bear arms/other rights, I'll fight back. I don't want to be treated like a Holocaust prisoner.

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