
VA Tech Shooting / Guns on Campus

Today there was a horrible shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. Over 30 people were shot by a single individual. This incident is the worst school shooting in US history and the worst school killing in 80 years. My thoughts are with the victims, their families, and all those involved.

While blame for this massacre solely rests on the shooter, there were certain decisions made in the months and years prior to the attack that could have reduced the extent of this horrific event.

Just several months ago, a bill was introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates that would have allowed students to carry guns on campus if they were licensed to do so. This legislation failed to advance, mostly due to pressure from the schools themselves. On the bill's defeat
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker remarked:

"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

One can only speculate on what would have happened if a student had been armed in that classroom. If only one half of 1% of students carried a gun, that would still yield a 25% chance of a student packing in a class of 50.

Heroes cannot exist when the tools to enable them are banned.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. I don't understand why people are so damned afraid of guns. If someone is licensed to carry, they should. Maybe 32 people wouldn't have been killed.

Anonymous said...

doesn't make sense. if you're a citizen, can vote, and legally carry a gun, why would a college's boundaries be a barrier?

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