
Bush's Vetoes

It looks like GWB is going to veto another Iraq spending bill. The first he vetoed actually set a timeline for withdraw. The new bill would with hold funding until after progress is checked during the summer. These two bills are pretty big, as the democrats have been real pussies on this issue for a while. Most of them voted for "the war". That term is awful. This is not a true war its an unconstitutional operation. The only way the United States can go "to war" is for the Congress to vote to declare war, not hand the Executive Branch a carte blanche to do whatever they want. Those of you who read my blog will remember that in Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 that "Congress shall have the power... to declare war." Only Congress.

The only candidate with the balls to say he was wrong is John Edwards. Hillary Clinton blames Bush, saying she was misled. Do your fucking home work before you vote to give the president a war!

Here's what I think should happen: if this bill gets vetoed, don't pass another. Cut off all money from the war, the troops, everything. The quickest way to end a government project is to cut funding. People may die on the way out but a lot more are going to die if we don't do something.


Anonymous said...

Good points. Money needs to be cut from the war effort completely.

Anonymous said...

i have never been for the war from its beginning...i am against any unnecessary fighting or waste of resources.