The TSA announced today that lighters will once again be allowed on planes. You may remember my previous post concerning this topic. This change in policy may be the smartest decision TSA has ever made. They even cited cost concerns, apparently it costs them $4 million to dispose of these things. 

For all of those that missed the link, this page is worth reading: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/sop/index.shtm
It seems the TSA is actually making fun of its own policy. Showing how many lighters confiscated per day in height compared to the Empire State building. Also saying "the United States became the only nation to ban lights as carry on baggage."
I heard this yesterday on the News. I was happy to hear this. TSA should feel like fools for doing this.
now if they could only narrow down the list even more. i swear the common person doesn't know all the rules. i always have to explain to people to take off their shoes, etc.; if i don't, it slows the line down.
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