
Kerr is a Traitor

Today, Donald Kerr, a deputy directory of National Intelligence (an oxymoron) said that Americans need to give up anonymity to the government and businesses, and lower their expectations of privacy, the very thing that allowed American colonists to criticize the British government.

While Kerr is merely a peon, he and others who think like him are traitors to our Constitution, which defines treason as "levying war" against the USA. Taking away our right to privacy, a fundamental right, is not to be condoned.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm sick of the bullshit of giving up my privacy to help fight the war on terror. Make the Arabs/Muslims give up their privacy and the rest of the Americans have their privacy. That's another way it should be.

Anonymous said...

I think you should say the phrase, "I'm a terrorist" in every conversation you have, and see if the feds come knocking at your door. Does the government really have the capacity to screen everyone?