
Campaigning: Dirty as usual

The mud is being slung all over the place, it must be an election year!  While we had the Swift Boat controversy involving John Kerry, it seems that this year there is a lot of shit going around on both sides.  

On the Republican side, we have Rudy and McCain berating each other over who is more of a fiscal conservative (answer: neither).  You may remember two weeks ago Ron Paul was attacked over some newsletters that were most likely written not by Paul but by Lew Rockwell.  

And on the Democrat side its come down to Obama and Clinton.  The main attacks seem to be that Clinton has way too much baggage and that Obama does not have enough experience to properly lead the country.  And then there's a dirty attack coming out of nowhere that Obama is a muslim simply because of his name, which is ridiculous.  

I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I'm going to attack him I will do it on policy, not some half-cocked statement about his middle name being Hussein.  

What I think we should do is stick to the issues, and if we do that everyone would see that most of the candidates come up very short on leadership and very long on stupidity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone with the name Hussein shouldn't be running the country. I don't care if I'm politically correct or not. His policies also suck. He's friends with a minister who is a fan of Louis Farrakhan and I'm sure he likes him too. Read on www.jdl.org/geeklog and there are several links to click that prove he's garbage and could be a friend of terrorists. In fact, he was the one who wouldn't take oath on the bible but wanted a Koran instead. Think about it.

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