
Macworld: My predictions and the death of the CD/DVD

Since Macworld is tomorrow and everyone in the blogosphere has predictions on what Steve Jobs will debut, I must join the fray.

I think that Apple will introduce a very small notebook, the Macbook Air, which will have a 12-13" and connect "differently."  By that, I mean it will either have no ports or be designed as a second computer, not like a primary computer/notebook as the Macbook I am currently typing on is.  It might not even have a power plug, charging by induction to a docking station.  Hopefully my Mac won't be obsolete in 24 hours...

Another prediction: Throw out your DVD player, its obsolete.  That's right, you read it first here.  Toss it.  Within 2 years, DVD's will go the way of the VHS.  Apple is most likely going to introduce movie rentals on iTunes.  What this means is that for $3-4 you can rent a movie via your computer for 24-48 hours "on-demand."  

Why do we still need optical media (CD and DVDs?).  Any music can be downloaded without problem on iTunes or illegally.  Same for movies.  It is now possible to upload music to a car.  As for backing up data, a CD only holds 750MB, while you can get an external hard drive with 1,000 times as much storage for only $500 or so.  

Here's a long term prediction: Apple's will not have optical drives within 3 years.

Apple is the front runner.  Always has been and should be for the foreseeable future.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I guess I'll have to get used to something new.

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