
No More Fox News

I used to watch Fox News often, mostly Bill O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes. No more. Fox News recently snubbed Ron Paul by saying that he was polling too low to be in the debates. Their threshold? 10%, which is exactly what he got in Iowa and what he is currently polling at in New Hampshire. Shame on Fox News. Rudy “911” Giuliani only got 4% in Iowa, so why he is allowed to participate in the debate?!?!?!

What network or show do I recommend watching? MSNBC, specifically Tucker Carlson’s show. He is cut from the same cloth as Ron Paul and his network is probably the most neutral out there. Check him out sometime, he is the Bill O’Reilly of MSNBC and a Ron Paul supporter.

So is Jim Cramer on the sister network, CNBC:

Ron Paul hosted his own town hall meeting tonight, which gives him a lot more speaking time than in the debates. You can view it below (there are 2 parts to it):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not happy with Fox News either but I'm not a fan of MSNBC. I just view them only for debates and other political stuff. I'm just tolerating them for talking about Ron Paul.