
Mahoo! will still suck

Microsoft has just announced it seeks to buy Yahoo! for a large sum of money, much more than Yahoo! is currently worth, $41 billion.  Microsoft is making this bid in order to compete with the big swinging dick of internet services, Google (who also hosts this blog, a lot of my documents, my email, and other things I use on a daily basis).  

Microsoft finally figured out than MSN sucks and needed to improve it.  Their thinking is that Yahoo! is a great name and has some great services.  I disagree.

Yahoo! has two things going for it.  Fantasy sports and Flickr.  Yahoo is the #1 site for fantasy sports of all kind.  I use it.  They have the best interface and it is very easy to use.  Flickr is a great tool for sharing photos, I have experimented with it.  There are some less known apps that I use, like http://del.icio.us but other than that Yahoo! is a dead search engine.  Google is the king and MSN + Yahoo! is proving that two wrongs don't make a right.

To most people this deal does not mean too much, me included.  I think that this new Mahoo! could entice Google to pair with Apple, another independent company that they already have a relationship with.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Microsoft has enough stuff already.